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Everything posted by Chill

  1. He was traded (in the middle of his rookie contract) because he couldn’t play zone. It wasn’t Rex’ fault. It was Darby’s, he is not good. Our staff thought EJ was better, plus we wasted that trade on Matthews. We were desperate to unload him, which indicates how bad he really is was.
  2. Throwing well and being able to play on the NFL are two completely different things. He is still a wuss and would panic like a deer in the headlights. People never grow out of being mentally weak.
  3. Problem with Darby is he is one dimensional. Thats why we traded him. He didn’t fit. Plus he’s not very good.
  4. The Browns are last years Vikings... they’ll never be good, regardless of talent.
  5. Could the Bills survive a temp. move like that? Chargers are struggling in LA. Sooner or later San Diego will get a new owner and a new team. Stay tuned.
  6. Probably not. He will draw a crowd every home game. TV ratings will go up. Padres now have an excuse to raise ticket prices, and San Diegans love spending mula. It’s a win/ wins for the pads. I am the Great Cornholio!! ?
  7. It’s all about the revenue. Here is San Diego, the Padres just signed a player for 300 mill guaranteed. Thats a 1/3 rd of a new stadium, for a freakin baseball player. Gotta spend money to make it. Shows us some facts. This speculation sounds nice but not believable... Buffalos economy has improved slightly in the last decade, however, I would like to see millionaire per capita.
  8. The Fleet?? That’s like saying Buffalo already has a baseball team. Lets compare apples to apples here, or at least keep it in the same ball park?
  9. Irish, always so critical of others...it’s simple economics. Successful people make smart business decisions. NY better be careful, Cali is hungry for another team.
  10. The city and state better get serious about funding a new stadium for this team. There is a mich higher revenue market just waiting to be occupied in San Diego. I would hate to see the Bills move to greener pastures because of political reasons...
  11. The anchor sold out when they started franchising. Opened one in Rochester, it was so bad, it closed in less than a year. Product is terrible and unfortunately the emblems on the wall are the only thing that resembles Buffalo in the place. Not recomended. Not even the original.
  12. Except the actually abuser. Just another crutch.
  13. Stress is a killer. You all stay chill!! rip turk
  14. Decoy Samantha Watkins for $500 Alex.
  15. If you choose, it’s not a disease. Laziness is not a disease, it’s a choice. Just another excuse for the person with a compulsive habit. Im sure no one chooses to get cancer. Which is actually a real disease. I wouldn’t trust any ones opinion. Always get second and third opinions. Usually the results change. Being an expert doesn’t mean they’re right.
  16. I care what Chaz thinks...Blind faith is never a good thing.
  17. Yeah. I agree. But do you think addiction is a disease?
  18. What a funny article. It’s a disease, like addiction. Lol.
  19. Of course he did. He was our entire offense. Dude is a baller.
  20. Star played well last year. He helped our run game considerably. Yes, he costs a lot but what top tier free agent isn’t expensive. Once we have some younger talent around him, he will be even better.
  21. 24 years ago?? Wow. What a long time.
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