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Everything posted by Chill

  1. Refs are just bad. How is that missed. Bills got lucky.
  2. Again. Didn’t they make this mistake last week. Take the points!!
  3. Soon to be? The transition took place in 2006. It’s been scripted for longer than a decade.
  4. Jerkwad of a guest. ? Won’t drink coffee out of a Patsies mug. Double ?
  5. Wow. That’s a bad song. ?
  6. Not sure. Usually if you have to ask... What happened In the 2nd half that was so shocking they were dumb struck? They were up 6 and in control all game.
  7. The balloon thrower isn’t starting??
  8. Huge News!! Let’s go Buffalo!! This game is big.
  9. If he does get canned maybe we can pick him up as the offensive cocoordinator. He does have some offensive vision and he has blue chip blood.
  10. NFL players may be strong and big on the outside but inside, mentally, some are a complete mess, weak and sensitive. This is just another 1st generation millionaire who acts like it.
  11. lol. What a dope. He has a problem.
  12. What time is he seeing the independent neurologist? And who is it?
  13. Anonymous source = Fake News No Thank You and pure BS.
  14. I agree, a giant wall of text is not attractive. Also, the source is questionable.
  15. Yeah. He’s definitely playing, Imo. They wouldn’t have him sprinting and jumping with a brain injury.
  16. How would you define a “crutch”? An aid to help people function as they normally would, is pretty close to the exact definition.
  17. Xanax is a terrible drug and should only be prescribed in extreme circumstances. The kick back these drs. get for rxing mind erasing drugs is alarming. Abusing Xanax is almost as bad as opioids, which is another prescription drug overly rxed and abused. Just because a doctor says to use it doesn’t make it healthy or morally right...always obtain a second and third opinion.
  18. My parent wouldn’t let me play and I thank them for it. I have friends in their 30s who’s knees are shot. Friends in their 40s who have ptsd so bad they think they still play. Friends in their 50s who have trouble getting out of bed.
  19. People use substances as excuses for why they do not meet their full potential. Xanax, cannabis, alcohol, whatever the crutch is is no excuse. Percy has a mental problem, and he is attempting to self medicate. It’s the user, not the substance. Everything is bad if abused, yes, everything. Moderation is the key to a successful life. Once again, shallow insults are not necessary.
  20. Sad. Hope they’re not saddled with the threat of the team leaving now. That was a huge burden on Bills fans when Ralph passed. Just not necessary. Rest In Paradise.
  21. Didn’t realize you were such a Percy fan...your insult is unnecessary.
  22. Not familiar with Tenny’s stadium. Most lots are public at the ralph. I would assume there will be parking.
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