See Tibs, here in a land with laws, you have to make sure new laws are constitutional. I mean, for sure you would be all about the law if someone was attacking you, no? Grown ups understand the rule of law holds, above all else.
Dude, why do you insist on being such an ass? Is the media fear mongering this possible pandemic? people.
I mean, you act like my 10 year old. I expect that from a kid, not someone who claims to be a grown man. You bum.
Oh, everyone knows it was an angry white Republic...wait, it wasn't? Mmmmm interesting. @Tiberius. @Gary Busey. any talking points for us tonight fellas?
A rational adult can see where someone with actual conviction and standards could make a constitutional argument on behalf of someone they don't agree with. That is how the rule of law and society works. People like you should cling to that idea.