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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. You have another take? Is it backed by anything other than panic?
  2. They didn't have econ or finance classes at Trash State?
  3. Let me recap for you. Market plunged, buy low, make big bucks on the recovery.
  4. Absolutely. My kids were super pissed about school closing, until they were told it would not cost them any time at the lake house this summer.
  5. Closed all of PA yesterday.
  6. Well, at least you're an honest asshat. I'll give you that.
  7. Like child sacrifices and everything?
  8. Or it could be because you act like an asshat?
  9. Doctors order tests, maybe bums don't know how society functions? Yep, shut down a country over a virus you probably don't know you have unless a test tells you so. Hard to overrun the healthcare system when the symptoms are so mild most people don't know they have it.
  10. Nobody deserves to be mugged with a blow torch more than that *****.
  11. Horeshit. If that happens I'll vote Democrat.
  12. On a friday at 3PM. You really do need to get a job ya bum. Btw, you aren't supposed to be around people. Are you getting piss drunk all by yourself? That is a sign my man. Get some help.
  13. I don't understand people who think the federal government is especially good at anything.
  14. Uh oh, the virus mortality rate is declining in the US. Whatever will the libs use when the rate hits that of the flu? On a serious note, has anyone here talked to any nurses or doctors about this virus? I have asked a few of each, as I see them, each of them has told me this is way overblown. I know 3 surgeons personally that are travelling abroad currently without fear of corona. Seems medical professionals would be worried if this was something to freak out about.
  15. House oversight dropped the ball on the Corona tests. Good job dems.
  16. Well yeah, let's not forget where Harvey feels right at home. Hint: the jackass party.
  17. I do love me some radical pepper.
  18. No. You think they were elected to serve you? What kind of moro...oh, damn. Carry on.
  19. Start by cutting your nuts off. That is step 1 of becoming a brain-dead libtard.
  20. You should drink drano. I hear it prevents TDS.
  21. He doesn't have an actual opinion on that. In fact, the party line he is spouting shows he can't actually form a legitimate opinion. Must be a bot.
  22. You haven't exactly posted anything worth reading yet skippy. You seem to be angry. Probably Tibs' trash eating neighbor. He tends to be a little selfish, only leaving the vegan garbage. Get a job ya bum.
  23. https://nationalinterest.org/feature/china-threatens-throw-america-mighty-sea-coronavirus-130877
  24. Don't ask others to do your research Popgun. Your TDS is showing. I mean, Gary, go ***** yourself. Just pass the sanitizer on your way. Hahaha.
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