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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. In February. Were the cases not thought to be well contained as at that point it was people who were travelers allowed back into the country? Were those people not tested accorsingly? At that time people thought it was contained. When it became a wide outbreak then most of that messaging changed. He didnt say it would be over by Easter, he said he wants to get people back to work by easter. That is the hope. Get your head out of your ass.
  2. Aren't there predictions that virtually all of us are going to get it?
  3. It's their life, if they choose to end it then that is that person's right.
  4. The truly amazing thing is our economy survives the existence of millions of morons on a daily basis.
  5. What an ass whoopin. Good on ya ID. Hahaha.
  6. Please help us here. Can you post some non-agenda driven news?
  7. What we need now is bipartisanship. So, on that note, I will swing by tomorrow to help you swap out urinal pucks at the laundry shop.
  8. Might be getting close to time for real action.
  9. You don't need an advanced degree. I have a buddy who makes 33k a year. He has a wife who doesn't work, a kid, a house (mortgage), a fully funded emergency fund, and he is self funding a master's degree. While it is different for people who are on a fixed government income, I put very little stock in the little guy can't get ahead argument. People don't have to make a killing to have an emergency fund. There are options.
  10. We train our kids like that. They have jobs within the home, get paid, save, spend, give. Been doing it for years. Um, shoot them? In the face, that way they know you are serious?
  11. I live in the middle of nowhere in north central PA. There are less than 500 cases in PA, only 1 where I live. That one was from international travel and she quarantined immediately upon returning. The part about that which I find maddening is that people where I live are taking this seriously, but people in NYC won't stay home.
  12. Lock that mother down. Call in the military like Deblasio is demanding. Setup a perimeter, only way out is in a bag.
  13. You don't actually believe that tweet?
  14. 3rd, did you just invent a word?
  15. Damn you, how dare you answer logically.
  16. No no, China didn't do it. The chinese sympathizers, Democrats, did.
  17. I am in favor of letting the airlines go bankrupt, but given this particular scenario I doubt they would. I am for them providing their own liquidity. I don't believe in too big to fail. They would obviously file for bankruptcy protection and attempt to restructure.
  18. By all means, if you've got it handy, I appreciate it.
  19. So dismiss it because you disagree?
  20. Um, that accounts for more Corona deaths in the US than have actually died from Coronavirus in the US. I am starting to see the point you are making.
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