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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. This version of the team gets boat raced by Miami, Chiefs, and Eagles. The offense has to be fixed.
  2. This game isn't about the defense. Who cares if they give up 28. The issue is this offense is a crap shoot whether they are going to outscore the ***** Jets today.
  3. Clear video evidence of Edmunds possession. Only if the reviewer is blind should that be tough.
  4. The spread isn't a joke. If the Bills played like the Bills and not like last week they would be up at least 11 right now.
  5. Gotta be a whole lot better. Lose this and the whole Green Bay exposed them thing gets really loud this week.
  6. Except during the drought where it seemed to happen weekly.
  7. No no, I was told I was crazy when I said he needs to get himself together.
  8. Just figured out what's wrong with Josh. He shaved that beard off.
  9. It's what all the numbers guys were saying before the year. He is a streaky player. Streaky is NOT the way you want a number 2 described.
  10. Everyone knows people are talking about the passing game, but you do you.
  11. Working at a 50% clip the last 2 weeks. Has to be something going on with him.
  12. Not referencing 1 play. Watch the last 3 quarters of football. Something is going on.
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