I put on carhartt coveralls, a Columbia ski jacket, extreme cold weather mask, gator, gloves, huge hat, hood, boots...then went out to run the snowblower. My damn eyelashes froze together. Sucks a lot out there
That's what I said.
I literally typed that it works unless they are playing the chiefs who put up more than 40 on them. I'm not sure what you think you're disagreeing with. They played a couple explosive offenses, but they got killed my the Chiefs. Dolphins got smeared.
This, 100%. Some of the responses here are so homerish it makes me wonder if they think Josh is their boyfriend. The x's and o's are the x's and o's no matter who is playing.
13-17 ad long as they aren't playing the Chiefs. I want to see if Purdy falters, otherwise I've got them representing the NFC over the eagles or cowboys.
Nice flex. I suppose you're going to keep this energy if one of those reasons costs them another playoff loss right? I'm happy they won, but there are some real issues.