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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. Through the endzone you dumb bastard
  2. Mom was busy this week, Cam has to play.
  3. Because the defense has inspired confidence in drunk people everywhere.
  4. Neither was the personal foul at the beginning of the game.
  5. It's not scapegoating when his missed kicks equal losses. That's called accountability. Foreign, I know.
  6. If you can't have a legitimate debate without trying to silence people with your bull#### then what are you doing here?
  7. Have to throw it into the endzone. What could go wrong?
  8. That was beautiful hahahaha
  9. Ridiculous at this point.
  10. Chiefs RT has free reign to host a dance party by himself before the snap. Totally on brand for the NFL
  11. Can you name a rule that is for the chiefs?
  12. I've been here for years. You're full of it. Again?
  13. Tell me again how this ***** isn't fixed? What a bs call
  14. I read that as based on a fabrication.
  15. I think the word we are all looking for her is "The".
  16. Probably because in 2024 we have way more creators than reporters.
  17. Gee, thanks. He makes a lot of solid points about taking money out of a lot of agencies that are supposed to work for the people. Obviously I won't waste my vote on someone who can't be elected. You asked who I liked.
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