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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. I'd settle for once, in stride please
  2. I'm with you on the Sabres. I was always a Sabres then Bills fan. They are just unwatchable now.
  3. Love his ex-wife again? I'm not sure that is how this works.
  4. I eat ketchup on hotdogs, and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.
  5. Hey, they have Lind...oh, still suck.
  6. Hey, we made the list 👍
  7. All of that pales in comparison to his 40 time. No more slow guys.
  8. He is going to not to use Seppuku in a sentence. I don't even know if that is english.
  9. They truly are the best you can hope for when you pile ***** that high.
  10. Every team in the league employs basic rules against Tyreek Hill, who is technical not as quick, and he still beats them deep consistently.
  11. Their careers won't be close.
  12. But at least he's funny
  13. Great draft pick. Can't do the one thing he was drafted to do.
  14. Here come the pressing picks
  15. It doesn't matter, they will pick the wrong ones.
  16. I don't think they will stop them on a single drive tonight
  17. Here is the game where all the little guys get their asses beat by the big boys and miss weeks with injuries isn't it?
  18. Going to be a long night
  19. The Chargers need to draft a quarterback
  20. What a ***** bum.
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