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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. Just far enough to hedge, so you can say you knew all along he wasn't going to make it...right?
  2. I think you are putting too much stock in the Daniel Jones thing. That said, I am getting nervous. He needs to eliminate the Peterman stretches.
  3. Cletus. Better? You don't like being called stupid? Don't be such an #######.
  4. Right. Billions are typically morons, barely smart enough to breath actually. Good call cletus.
  5. What does your depreciated capital investment look like? Several hundred million dollars? Invest more.
  6. Is he in prison? Oh wait, the rumored one? Yeah that one.
  7. Well played. I like it.
  8. Like the hall of fame wr Marvin Harrison? One of the hands down greatest that ever played Marvin Harrison? I like it, unfortunately Antonio suffers from a case of OLD so I would pass on that.
  9. 1998 huh...need some Metamucil grandpa?
  10. Boy asshats are asshats to the core aren't they?
  11. Nonsense. Old white guys are stupid wastes of skin. Everyone knows this. If you want to win you have to employ young people because only young people know the "right" stuff. Don't believe me, just ask one. Oh and btw, I'm only in my mid-thirties.
  12. Don't be obtuse.
  13. Yep. People act like defense wins championships means defenses pitch shutouts. It simply means defenses make some plays to slow the other offense down. 2 high powered offenses face off, 1 defense makes 4 stops while another make 2 who wins? I meant to type wasn't but apparently typed was, or my phone auto corrected...not sure. I edited it immediately, you're quick.
  14. Players still play the game. Goff missed an easy 6 and then threw an absolutely horrible INT with the game on the line. McVay wasn't good but Goff sucked.
  15. I'm a defense wins championships kind of guy. I'm also too lazy to check on that.
  16. I feel like people are going to make up a bunch of ***** to try and prop up their theories.
  17. Exactly. Edelman is a bag'o'*****
  18. I can't do it. I friggin hate that guy.
  19. No no. Josh Allen still sucks
  20. You and me both man. Mam? don't want to insult.
  21. That should work nicely. What are you 23? Yes, that is equivalent to asking if you are 12 these days.
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