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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. Of course not, common sense and decency doesn't rule the day. They are hell bent on pushing until the people revolt. And I dont mean at the ballot box.
  2. Absolutely. Bring on the stupidity of a self-inflicted QB controversy.
  3. I too want a complimentary speedster. We disagree on size, he is short not small. Agreed, maybe a stud will go crazy and punch someone between now and the draft. Don't think Beane drafts that guy though.
  4. So, Russia? Ukraine? Kavanaugh #metoo? Where are we going with this? That dude actually went with "don't let them" hahahaha, ***** him. Honestly the only hope is some of the " resistors" get so excited their hearts explode. Maybe then people will see the danger to their well being.
  5. I didn't change my thoughts for anyone. I stand by what I wrote.
  6. Any opinion on what will happen to them? Further sanctions crushing their already crushed economy? Seems like it's over unless or until they lash out.
  7. Hospital janitor doesn't count as a healthcare professional. What a goal Jack!!!
  8. Oh man that made me chuckle. Well done. NATOME. ***** that, keep NATO away from me.
  9. One day I want to see the real power behind that party in the cold light of day. It's amazing how quickly they are B word slapped back into line if they ever have an original thought.
  10. Not funny at all. Not in the oh how dare you, but in the I dont know what that drink even is way.
  11. No *****? Who would have thought?
  12. I wonder when the electrical everything crowd are going to realize the electrical grid is no where near the capacity needed to power these pieces of *****.
  13. Was that edited today or did I completely not even read what that dude wrote? I could swear there were 3 different points this afternoon. Hahaha.
  14. I misspoke is DC code for I am a eunuch.
  15. Exactly. I agree with most of the criticism of Trump. I'm very anti-socialism and anti-globalist so, yeah. Debatable.
  16. And all the idiots on lefty television have been falling all over themselves trying to convey the idea that Iran was going to kick the US military's ass. Hahahahaha
  17. Gtfoh with that dead fall bs. Everyone knows its global warming.
  18. This is SO EXCITING. When does Tibs get served?
  19. I agree they are factual. Regarding the downing of the plane I think we have to let the international community determine that route. Anything else from the US would be considered an escalation and salt in the wound.
  20. That #### sucker is still a thing? He's a parody at this point.
  21. You hadn't thought of that? Really? I'm a conservative and this was the very first thought I had when I asked myself what the sub-humans would try to make of this whole thing. If they had not attacked the embassy this whole thing would have been avoided. How far back should we go? '79?
  22. Right. Let's tell tell Schiff and just wait for the press conference.
  23. And all you impotent twunts on the left will flounder around grasping for something to spin. So predictable. Man...when does the season start?
  24. I dont know how I missed this. That's a hard fail, but at least you tried. Just soup at the warming house for you tonight. I am anxious to read whatever your Alabama intellect comes up with. Stay warm out there tonight. On a serious note, do you live in northern PA by chance?
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