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Everything posted by CoudyBills

  1. This video will be the grounds for the next investigation. Rally the waterheads, it's time to ride again.
  2. I thought Q was a woke version of Corkey. Is that not right?
  3. I'm so excited. Already talk of impeaching Joe should he win. Can't wait. Make ***** sandwich, eat ***** sandwich.
  4. Eh, you might have a point. Who can say really?
  5. The house needed to make an actual case. They failed miserably.
  6. And likely to win a few more in fairly short order, if they can keep that team together.
  7. Here's to hoping!
  8. Thank you. I almost forgot about that. Just a couple years ago all we heard was how bad the USA was. Now we need to get back to the old normal. Interesting...idiots. Here today, gone in 5 years. Otherwise, agreed.
  9. Oh my. The standards are pretty low if that idiot is considered professional.
  10. Exactly how broad is this bill? Chucky is a giant baby. Can he be aborted? Is that a thing yet?
  11. Clearly. I didnt say you wanted that. Clearly insane, yes.
  12. Too long Bob. I quit after 8 sentences. Can you summarize in bullet format?
  13. How would one fund the subway in that case? Pathetically, his dad is probably proud. What he didnt say is he runs the floor buffer.
  14. The mere fact that he felt this needed to be communicated means London will in fact not always be free. They are weak minded and they will be overrun soon enough.
  15. Why did you exhibit that behavior? That's crazy.
  16. Where you at tonight @Tiberius? I want to be sure you make 20 cents off of responding to me today.
  17. This is all just so delicious. Where is @Tiberius this morning? Probably warming himself over a trash fire.
  18. That will be great. Have they managed to serve her yet? I'm impressed by her handlers.
  19. I know, but I love watching that old bag lose. I especially enjoy watching her as they help her alcoholic ass into a vehicle. Maybe she will fall down some steps next?
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