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Everything posted by Aireskoi

  1. You don't like to watch FB? It's an acquired taste, they should get more ADULATION around here.
  2. I'm not putting him ahead of Patrick DiMarco, but Josh is 2nd for sure. Seriously I just told my buddy today that Josh is the most exciting player in the NFL, and that I'm biased but so what. Josh is the man, he's as smart as he is athletic. His arm and legs could diminish over time but he will become a QB Jedi by then.
  3. That's where I'm at, 12th man is historic and should stay, and I'm more wait and see as far as adding Bills Mafia permanently to the stadium. I think winning has to come or the Bills Mafia name will fade, but if we get some playoff wins and a Superbowl or two the name will be cemented for this generation.
  4. To me Bills Mafia is a fun name that represents a younger generation that have brought fans together on social media. I like it, I think it's cool when the players mention it. Not everybody is going to like every nickname they get, but if this team keeps winning the attention the fans get is going to explode. Nationally 12th man says Seahawks now. Bills Mafia represents all Bills fans to the rest of the country, like it or not. Walk up to random NFL fan in random city and say I'm an NFL fan, a member of the '12th man' and no one will know what team, or they will assume Seahawks.
  5. The Cowboys defense was not good against Barkley. The line was pushed around and had no penetration, the safeties didn't fill gaps, and #30 would not make the Bills roster IMV. The Bills run defense will be much better, and Eli will make mistakes and force balls into coverage. I can see Eli getting yanked for Jones in this game, maybe for good.
  6. Looked to me like plenty were gone after Browns TD, even before the Jets final drive.
  7. Ryan Kalil Tool Time:
  8. This was obvious, unless you didn't want to see it.
  9. Nice work. Was the thread title misleading? The point is we're not tuning in for FF talk, so why post in the thread? Just curious... That would be like someone not wanting to talk FF going into a FF thread to complain, no?
  10. Will Lutz had 3 solo tackles for the Saints last year, he's a kicker. Maybe this lady can make tackles on kick returners also? 13 other kickers made tackles last year, I'm sure some of them were TD saving? I count 21 tackles by kickers in 2018. We don't need that around here, if the returner makes it our (imaginary female) kicker she can let them go maybe? Now that's progressive!
  11. We'll know this is coming when the NFL starts protecting kickers throughout the entire play. This is the only way it could really happen. No way they could let a female on the field without special protections added.
  12. Yeah right, I see girls take down armed gangs with no weapon. Girls kick guys ass now, I watch it on TV all the time. I see them punch guys clean out with one shot, so kickoff will be no problem. They might lead the team in ST tackles because they can run faster also, I'm pretty sure. Unfortunately the men have the power and will just hold them back. I live in 'like what could beeeeee's", so it's my truth.
  13. I can see it. You can compare body types, athleticism, and styles without saying they have the same expectations or success...or they would also take a knee. Can Tyree "get there"? I wonder how long he can stick around the league. He also reminds me of Jason Campbell (not on the same level) as a young player.
  14. I don't listen to the TV announcers or watch pregame shows ever for any reason. Even prime-time non-Bills games. When I'm watching from home I watch football with the volume off on the TV. Usually I'll have the WGR stream on (or Sirius) to hear Murphy call the action a couple minutes behind what I've already seen. I'm almost as happy with a radio only feed as I am with both, I just love hearing the games called on the radio. I have no use for the NFL TV shows they put on every week, it's just more programming. I don't need that.
  15. Won't work on mobile. Does work on PC. So the solution may be to bring a small laptop that you can either plug headphones into or leave plugged in close by and use Bluetooth headphones. Hotspot off your cell phone. I would grab my daughter's little laptop if it was me, maybe you have access to one. The lid closes and it fits in a small bag, about the size of a tablet. Battery last long enough for a game. Just have to make sure browser is in in desktop mode, not mobile (it should be already).
  16. Tucker said his contract was not renewed so he was gone. I'm a little suspicious because he really went off on Julian Edleman (not directly to him) one morning calling him a cheater and said he will always think of him that way because he cheated (PED) but Ross never did. I was shocked that he was being so honest about his feelings regarding PED's, because he really hammered Edleman along the way. I'm sure some of you heard that. Anyways the next thing I know Ross is gone, then they do a "town hall" special interview with Edleman hosted by Jim Miller, and run it for weeks. They must have replayed the hour long interview 20 times over 2 or more weeks. Very unusual for Sirius to replay something so much when they have on demand. I skipped them all, I have no idea what was discussed in the "town hall". Coincidence?
  17. They didn't throw the ball much and Josh didn't have big numbers? Good. The #1 goal last night IMV was to keep Josh (and everyone) healthy. We would feel much different if they failed at that. So lets run the ball a ton and work on the run game against a very strong D-Line. Whatever you do just don't get Josh hit, but a few passes won't hurt... Then, what maybe Josh's 1st pass, he takes off running! OK, enough of that, hand the ball off buddy.? I'm glad the coaching staff wasn't trying to prove the decision to draft Josh last night with him throwing all over, they were trying to be smart and get good work done without losing the QB. Josh is so competitive maybe they just can't trust him to protect himself yet, so save it for when it counts. I was ready to see Barkley when Josh slid kinda head first sideways on his scramble...really not good in the preseason.
  18. Make him a TE and he can do the dance in the end zone on them fools.
  19. He would be the best player on the team when healthy. He plays at a premium position, one that we have a question about based on last season. He has a problem with the team that many players have had issue with (medical), and plenty of former Skins can vouch for this team's facilities. I would trade Dawkins to them and pay Trent, if I had a say. You don't find guys like him available...I would at least be on the phone with Bruce Allen and Doug Williams to see where it's at. They will become desperate to get someone at some point if this continues, Dawkins would be great for them compared to a Trent Williams that won't play there.
  20. Sup man, smell this....
  21. Interesting article (what I can see). Thanks for posting it. I don't see any mention of breaking the will of the defenses by running the ball on them. Just bowing up and smashing it over and over because you can. Ripping the voice away from the hopeless home fans, and just demoralizing the opponent. We've all felt it both ways. I think the play action works because this is fear #1 for a defense, maybe 2nd to 'don't get beat deep'. Do not let them run on us!
  22. Until the Panthers stole her... https://www.panthers.com/news/introducing-caroline-cann-new-panthers-team-reporter There's a slideshow of her pics on the Panther's website, I'm sure all teams do that with the new "reporters".
  23. Touching the face or breakout area is the real killer. That leads to more and more so fast, all that bacteria just spread around.
  24. The point is to relax a little and enjoy the game. “When you plant seeds in the garden, you don’t dig them up every day to see if they have sprouted yet. You simply water them and clear away the weeds; you know that the seeds will grow in time. Similarly, just do your daily practice and cultivate a kind heart. Abandon impatience and instead be content creating the causes for goodness; the results will come when they’re ready.” ― Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron
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