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Everything posted by Aireskoi

  1. Die? Like 20 years of not reaching post season? This team was dead and McD has given it a pulse. 3 years for a coach is how loser teams keep losing...That's the recipe for never winning.
  2. So he has to win games to keep his job, how is that different than any other coach? So far the results are 1 playoff appearance out of 2 tries. ...but but the point differential and stats, so fail...right? Edit: My mind is kinda blown that after 20 years of no post season there are fans that want this Superbowl to happen so fast. There is a process of winning in place that has not been here. I'm enjoying the build, and I feel sorry for those that can't.
  3. The culture is how you run the organization, so how does it break down?
  4. To know and not to do, is not to know. You don't have to have played football to be a part of the radio coverage for a team, but it would help. Mike lives in the world of symbols (stats), the actual real thing doesn't matter as much. Like previously mentioned there is no stat for culture so it's not real or relevant to his super-smart brain. Also team culture is the most important thing, IMO.
  5. Not gonna win today, so no breathing.
  6. People that need to be punched should be punched. Not everybody should be taking that advise though.
  7. Few things I think from watching the Eagles a little: Running up the middle will be tough, but Singletary and McKenzie to the sidelines can work because the Eagles give up contain frequently. RAC will be there as the Eagles take bad tackling angles in their secondary, so maybe the backs going with short passes and not hammer them against the green wall. Josh should be able score with a run to the perimeter if needed in the red zone. Josh needs to get rid of the ball quick, they're coming...again RAC will be there so let the guys make plays. Carson will make big plays and a few key mistakes, they can play patient and manage this game on offense.
  8. Hopefully they're not going after Trent Williams.
  9. I mean the whole game, the way scouts do...live. They talk to the people around the scene and get to know so much more than watching cut-ups of individual plays. So let me ask you, does PFF have a live rep at the games scouting the way NFL teams do? How many? Do they meet with coaches and trainers to get data? This type of info has value, but it has limits. Makes guys say dumb things like: "a parody of an NFL quarterback prospect" and "the battleground old-school scouts are going to die on."
  10. The problem with stats is that they are not watching the actual games. You can learn a lot from watching the whole game, but PFF and FO (Football Outsiders) types of services don't have time. You learn much more by being at the game, talking to the kids, seeing how they react on the sidelines, with their teammates, good times and bad, you hear the ball whistle, you feel the impact of big plays vs. run of the mill passes.... Real scouting will trump these stat based analysis, we fans never get to see the whole picture like scouts do. That's how Beane and McDermott knew Josh was their man, they didn't only look at numbers. PFF and FO were surprised that Josh could run the ball, that's kind of a big miss for stat guys...but you wouldn't see that watching cut ups of every throw.
  11. Watching the video from the 1st angle it looks like the throw should have been leading Beasley to the middle of the field, away from the defender. The pass ends up the other way, to the outside of the defender...bad pass IMO.
  12. The question is how many TD passes will Sanu throw this year? He's thrown 4, I'm sure they will use him to throw a TD pass at some point. Nice veteran pick-up for them, damn.
  13. I know it's not popular around here or in today's NFL, but I love the way McDermott sees the game. I love his style of football, I want my team to be a great defense first. I would rather win 6-3 with no offense than lose 44-45 with my QB throwing 400 yards. I want a defense that allows nothing. I want a QB that can win the game, but I don't want to need him to. Coach of the year is too soon, but I'm glad he's the coach of the Bills.
  14. ****NSFW Turn volume down
  15. From the article: "Williams knows better than to take his debut lightly. He initially balked at an interview request because his first priority was heading to the weight room for a post-practice workout." He seems grounded. I like that he mentioned that his past made him who he is. This is so true, as long as you make the mindset change a troubled past can be an edge that most don't have.
  16. Thanks? I didn't post to change your beliefs, so it's all good.?
  17. McVay knows the History of the NFL very well, he's way smarter than his age. This has been done before by Joe Gibbs and Bobby Beathard, they made very few 1st round picks while making regular Superbowl and playoff runs in the 80's. Redskin 1st rounders under Gibbs: When you look at the fail rate for 1st rounders it makes sense. The difference is the salary cap, we'll see how they maneuver that going forward.
  18. He may improve with a change of environment and coaches, with a different system and QB. Sometimes it works out for everyone. The Raiders seem like the best fit for his Dad, who else would put up with that crap? Shame on him for doing that to his son, even if his son wanted him to (I don't know).
  19. What I'm seeing is a lack of rhythm to the offense. The plays seem disjointed and off-timed a lot. McDermott and Frazier do this constantly to other teams' offenses. Experience will help Josh and the whole group, but the plays that are "easy money" have to be made. When they're not everything gets off timing. The O'line stat is aided by Josh's scrambling ability. The Patriots ends were playing contain at times, that would show well for the stat but not because they beat their man. My hope is that Josh will consistently make the plays in the rhythm of the offense, but when it's needed he'll put on the cape. I'm not sold that Josh can be a guy you want throwing 50 times a game. Give him Russell Wilson's game plan. We have the defense, maybe we need another RB to help, we'll see how Singletary returns. We have all these TE's, I would just pound that thing and play defense. Josh will beat them in the 4th quarter.
  20. The defense seems to be missing a couple pieces to make it legendary. There needs to be another pass rusher or two that can change the game and require double teams. Trent Murphy could be upgraded, maybe Johnson will be the guy but it may take another piece on the line. I would like to see the next high draft pick they use on defense address Lorenzo's position. He's my favorite player, but if he was replaced with someone (next year) who could really be a force as a pass rusher they could be better. He is so smart and versatile I hope his replacement gets a year or two with him before he's gone. I don't know if any team wants Frazier as a HC, I would be surprised. I'm sure they would take him as a DC though, especially after working with McD. I think the trend is young offensive HC rather than old DC's.
  21. He was being tackled, I'm pretty sure he wasn't targeting the defender. ?
  22. I know he should have been ejected, and the offsetting penalty should not have erased the only punishment (but by rule it does). Why bother changing the rules for safety unless it's just for Tommy boy? NFL loves protecting him. The NFL reduced the threshold for ejection by removing the need for the hit to be "flagrant" in 2018. The player targeted, launched, and hit him in the head with his helmet. WTF else do we need? https://www.sbnation.com/2018/9/9/17492612/ncaa-targeting-rule-nfl-comparison 386 people are talking about this Late in the preseason, after a bunch of perplexing calls, the NFL made clear that “inadvertent” helmet contact wouldn’t be treated as a penalty. “For us this is a pretty significant change,” Competition Committee chairman Rick McKay told reporters in announcing the change. “This one technique, we saw so many hits when a player lowered his head and delivered a hit and either hurt himself or the player he was hitting.” The NFL already prohibited “initiating forcible contact by delivering a blow with the top/crown” of the helmet when outside the tackle box. In effect, that’s now banned all over the field. The league also got rid of a clause that said players could be disqualified “if the action is flagrant.”
  23. I am starting to wonder if he will learn to protect himself before it's too late. I think he has all the skill and the will to be an all time great. There is no play or game (maybe the last drive of Superbowl) worth taking a shot to the head that could be avoided. I don't blame him for the cheap head shot, but he has to know the shots are coming if he runs. We need him to play and finish all 16 every year. Is he going to adjust or continue to get crushed?
  24. You weren't allowed to play video games? Can you ask now? Maybe it's OK once in a while...Like if your rooms clean and such?
  25. Like Warren Sapp's rookie season? He dropped to 12 due to allegations of drug use, but he was the standard used. https://www.bucsnation.com/2011/7/2/2256389/gerald-mccoys-and-warren-sapps-rookie-seasons We all know how Warren Sapp's career went: he is a surefire Hall of Famer. But not many remember Warren Sapp's rookie season, and for good reason: the highly-touted defensive tackle managed just 3 sacks and was relegated to backup duty after just five games. Newspapers of the time speak of Warren Sapp the Underachiever, a subpar rookie season and his own defensive coordinator was quoted as calling him a major disappointment. But in his second year Warren Sapp stepped up, sacking the quarterback 9 times. He turned into a dominating force, the core of an improving defense. So how did this happen? To say it in his own words, Sapp was "a blind dog in a meat house" in his rookie year. In other words: he had no idea what he was doing. The coaches used him differently every game, sometimes asking him to play head-up on offensive linemen, other times asking him to shoot gaps and penetrate. ---------- DT is a tough transition from college to NFL. Give the man a few games to find his way.
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