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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Love this run game!!! Haven't seen a reply that would overturn it.
  2. Backup Center - need more pressure up the middle. Time to stunt Rousseau up the middle
  3. Memo to Dorsey. Run early and often. Run Allen if you have to. Dink and dunk them. Then hit them with play action. Best defense is an offense that stays on the field.
  4. Oh God no, McAfee is the worst. I don't understand his appeal. I'm going to guess he is popular because he is the white trash alternative to Stephen A. Smith. He is ruining college GameDay. He was drunk on set at Duke. Yes they claimed his red in the face look was food poisoning. The only poison in his system was alcohol.
  5. If they beat Miami this weekend, then keep him on the bench until Cincinnati
  6. Except McD really isn't being any more aggressive. He's still rushing 4 the majority of the time. Guys are just getting home and Commanders QB sucked.
  7. Ok but that was with Hamlin and Johnson as his backups. They are not good. Rapp is better. And how many of those games were without Hyde. My guess is we will be fine with Poyer.
  8. Honestly this might be a good thing. He looks slow out there. This is a good excuse to see if Rapp can be the full time starter. If they do decide to play a 3 deep safety shell it will be interesting to see who they choose to play back there.
  9. 1. He has a bad game or two or three a year. It happens to all of them... 2. You are correct people get attacked on here all the time for just pointing out bad play. Has nothing to do with their fandom. The team didn't make the playoffs for 17 years. We're we supposed to day everything was fine? The blatant homers are almost as bad as the trolls. 3. Allen remains our only hope. Just need to stick with him and hope he peaks at the right time.
  10. If you are talking long term then two things need to happen. You let Davis and Dawkins walk this offseason and you replace them with first and second round draft picks. If you are talking about this season then all they need is time. Everyone complained all offseason about the OL. The OL is better with two new players one of which is a rookie. Brown is holding his own. They have two new WR, two new RBs, and a new slot/TE/pass catcher in Kincaid. Just give Dorsey and company time to figure themselves out. We don't need them to peak in September. We need them to peak in January. Also perhaps Dorsey should phone a friend and figure out how to run a basic screen to a RB or TE.
  11. You do understand when Brown rides a guy past Allen and Allen steps up in the pocket that is good pass blocking. I don't think you understand oline blocking nor the level of competition he has been facing. I don’t recall a single play where Brown was "blown up" in the last two weeks First week yes there were several. If you can point them out happy to look.
  12. Just don't agree with the OP. Brown has been good enough against good competition. He's been better than Dawkins. The problems on offense is the inability to execute a screen play, the inability to get more downfield throws to Knox and Kincaid, and the failure of the two new WRs to make any impact. Why this team can't execute a screen is beyond me. Not getting Kincaid and Knox deep down the seams is on Dorsey. The true slot WR spot should go to Shakir. No he isn't a gadget guy but he is a solid WR that finds ways to get open. He is a slightly less quick Beasley 2.0.
  13. Eating crow right with you on Bernard. He is everything Edmunds was not. Let's hope he can hold up to the pounding.
  14. I get what you are saying. Those plays and those players took your breath away at times. It seems like we are in the worst possible situation. Either let it be a viable play and a part of the game or eliminate it all together Going to 4 min of commercial to then have a KO our of the endzone nad then 2 more min of commercials is terrible fan experience at home or in the stadium.
  15. I really don't understand why the NFL wants to eliminate kick returns. But then again I really don't care. I don't want a bunch of bottom of the roster players determining the outcome of a game. The Jets loss was sealed by a bunch of scrubs who couldn't make a tackle. It would have been far better if they had forced a fair catch and our defense was allowed to make a play.
  16. Have you been on this message board for long? Those of us that criticized Edmunds for years were routinely told how we didn't understand his role on the defense, how he called the defense, and how he took away so many throws in the middle. We were routinely dismissed when we pointed out his tackles 8 yards down field and his lack of big plays.
  17. I was an outspoken Edmunds critic for years and I have no reason to defend him. That said the Bears organization now looks like the worst in NFL. Their DC just quit after an FBI raid of his home. Maybe there is more to this story
  18. Subtract the onecarry for 80 yards and it is 55 carries for 250 yards. That is a more telling stat. Not great but not terrible.
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