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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Except for the OL I don’t really think the Swiss army thing makes sense. Yes they move guys around on the DL but so does every other team. And having guys that can play multiple spots on the OL makes sense when you can’t dress everyone.
  2. I suggested this two years ago afyer the knee injury and got flamed. He actually was playing ok at CB this year. My hunch is his career is over. Certainly over with the Bills.
  3. Easily gotten that much on the open market. Knox still has untapped potential. Lets see what a anew OC can do with him when he comes back healthy. Beane is hit and miss. Starr, Miller, and Murphy were grossly overpaid. Morse was overpaid but not by that much. Yet he got Beasley, Milano, and even Allen to sign deals that were fair market.
  4. Favre and Roethlisberger are in the Hall of Fame with three SuperBowl wins. We can only hope Allen has same career.
  5. Diggs. He's going to have a 200 yard game this week. Bills will run up the score late in the fourth with Allen and Diggs still playing!
  6. Kelly drank. Bruce did cocaine. Biscuit raped a girl. None of us know what is going on in these player's lives. Something has changed with Josh. We can all see it. Let's hope it is not something bad.
  7. Not many WRs in the NFL will make that a TD. He ran a great route. Sat down in the zone and made the catch and still got some YAC. He was bracketed by two DBs so he didn't have an angle to build up any speed from a dead stop. It was a good solid play. Sure Tyreek can take that all the way but not many other guys will outrun two DBs
  8. McKelvin was Patriots Dallas was a recovered onside kick
  9. People have lost their *****. Stroud has played 5 good games Allen is at worst the third best QB in the league and last time I checked he was the 9th highest paid QB. He's a virtual bargain at this point. Keep the focus and heat where it belongs - McDermott and Beane.
  10. You can't defend a zero blitz at that time after the sack. He got lucky with a good call and getting the sack. All he has to do on that next play is rush 3, drop 7, and spy Wilson. Simple. McDermott has to go if we want to win it all. I've said it for three years and been leading the anti McDermott charge. Nice that others are joining the bandwagon.
  11. Miami losing to the Titans? Titans have one of the worst pass defenses in the league Miami will hang 60 on them
  12. It's a juvenile move for a pop Warner coach. Stupid for a NFL coach. He hurt the team benching the team best RB. Why did Allen not get benched for the INT and fumble?
  13. That was 100% PI. It was close to a great play but it was PI. Lay the blame where it belongs. Allen and McDermott. Allen has now lost two games nearly himself - Jets and Broncos. Hard to assign all the blame on McD and the defense for this game as they kept them in it until the end. But again just like Pats game(and countless others), the D choked.
  14. It was a terrible call. Dropping 8 worked all game. After the blitz worked all he had to do was drop in coverage and make a tackle.
  15. I've been a McD skeptic and Allen apologist for years. But the loss was as much on Allen as it was McDermott. The INT before the half was a horrible decision. The fumble handoff was all Allen. He nearly had another sideline throw picked later in the game. Allen was bad again. I said before the season started he had to lower his INTs and people on here said it was only 1 or 2 less than other QBs. Yet he is getting worse not better. The entire coaching staff needs to go. And Allen needs to be coached better.
  16. It was a catch. It was not a fumble as his butt was on the ground. And where he caught the ball was forward progress for the first down. The only mistake was they announced 4th down. But it was correct call and correct spot of the ball.
  17. That was my first thought Actually the entire board was not saying that. People that don;t knwo football were saying that. When we drop 7 or 8 we did just fine. Every great QB beats the blitz more often than not. McD is a terrible HC and just as bad as a DC. That's two game winning drives given up by his defense already this year. Did Frazier ever have two in a season?
  18. Three years ago some of us said we would never win with McD. And we were ridiculed Now what?????
  19. Best hope for a win is for Denver to get a PI now. Way too much time left even if we manage to score here
  20. Rushing 3 and dropping 8 working all night and then McD blows it with the blitz that hadn't worked all night
  21. McD kicking to league leader in returns He's just clueless Momentum killer
  22. Was the guy who recovered the ball out of bounds???
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