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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. It's an interesting post. I would have Diggs and Cook included in your elites for Buffalo. Douglas is right on the cusp of elite too. After that, the OP premise is correct with many good players like Dawkins, Kincaid, Oliver, and Douglas. Benford and Bernard look well on their way to being very good just need a bigger sample size. Of course we lack an elite HC. But though I refuse to call Beane a genius, he probably is a top 5 and therefore elite GM One last point, an elite QB probably makes up for 5-10 other elite guys.
  2. Watson is so incredibly bad. He has played two halfs of decent football. Other than that he has been absolute garbage. I can think of only one other QB that missed as much time as he has and came back to be decent. That was Vick after prison not coming off iniury and he had Andy Reid. These Browns fans are still clamoring for Flacco to come back. They think he was actually good He had the highest int rate in the NFL last year. He single handedly lost the playoff game for them. 100% agree. All he has to do is avoid getting suspended and he gets paid.
  3. Brown and Sanders were solid players for us. Harty and Sherfield were terrible. No argument there. I would be perfectly fine if they drafted two WR if they had gotten a 3rd round comp pick. Now I say veteran WR and first round WR. Veteran safety and rookie Edge and DT.
  4. I'd rather keep Morris than Gilliam. Don't really think they need either.
  5. This sucks. Picking 30+ spots later really hurts.
  6. Agree. White getting hurt is a plus and a minus. Douglas looks good and is far cheaper. That said White was playing well to start the year. Injuries just give the McD supporters an excuse. He had defensive collapses in the past with healthy squads too.
  7. Player most likely to make an impact is probably not on the roster right now I will go with first round WR, 675 yards and 6 TDs
  8. Numbers don't tell the full story here. It is true very few games missed on offense. I think the only starters to miss time were Knox and Davis and those were only a handful of games. On defense they lost arguably their best player at each level of the defense. Losing Milano 13 games plus playoffs was heartbreaking. Add the cluster of injuries at the LB spot and the impact was felt. All that said, and as you point out overall as a team they were healthy especially on offense.
  9. We've never had a top 3 QB in the league Anything short of a Lombardi is failure No more moral victories No more successful seasons just making the playoffs. People's minds have been poisoned by 17 years of losing. When you have Josh Allen you should expect to win the SuperBowl
  10. So per this thinking then losing in the playoffs is somehow acceptable? When does it become unacceptable?
  11. Do you have the talent to make millions? Allen has the talent to win the SuperBowl! Agree he will have to overcome McDermott though
  12. I'm sorry to be a broken record. We have a top 3 QB. If you expect anything less than the SuperBowl I really don't understand you. Please anyone that votes anything but SuperBowl win explain?
  13. None of them except Jones AJE cant be gone fast enough Lawson, Phillips, and Settle will all struggle to find NFL jobs. Time to get young and fast on the DL. Rousseau, Miller, Oliver, and Jones are a decent core. Kingsley is nice depth. Add a second round edge and a FA DT and they will be set
  14. My guess is they draft two WRs. One of them competes with Isabella for return duties. Hell I'd be happy with Hyde on a vet minimum contract to catch punts and be a mentor for a rookie safety. I would be perfectly happy if they rushed 11 and never even put a guy back there to catch the punt. Facetious I know but it would be a fun experiment to try.
  15. 18M for a safety. How the hell does that happen??? Seriously these GMs are morons. Two first round picks for Adams???
  16. The whole situation smells like another McD screw up. The guy was injured but instead of putting him on IR they let him languish with no announcement and just sit him every week until they finally put him on IR. Maybe the player hid the injury which is stupid if true. Probably has as much raw talent as any CB on the team. As with all things I dont trust McDermott at all and place the blame with him until proven otherwise. I would not be surprised if he sits again while we suffer another year of this clown HC.
  17. Have to wonder over time if it will just become acceptable to leave out the dash. Language evolves overtime and words and definitions get updated. Irregardless was not felt to be a proper word and it is now in the dictionary.
  18. No thanks Beane needs to tell McDermott to play Elam. I'm sure they will draft a day 3 CB. Only way Gilmore or any other FA CB would make sense is if they want to move Benford to safety
  19. Are any of these guys better than Rapp? Honest question as I don't know much about many of the names. Most seem old and on their final legs Have to figure there are a few that would have been just as good and maybe cheaper. But Rapp knows the system now. I'd add another cheap veteran age 25-28 and draft another.
  20. Lol...it's not fake money. He was paid that money. It's just creative accounting for it
  21. Sign Daquan. Let everyone else walk. Give Epenesa a ride to the airport. Sign a safety and another DT in free agency. Draft WR, Edge,Wr, Safety in the first three rounds. Day 3 start moving up and get a RB, Punter, C, OT, and maybe a QB in no particular order.
  22. How the hell did they sign him to a deal that would have ever paid him$3M in the first place. Hate the roster and cap space used for special teams. I understand it was probably all funny money but still. League minimum and rookie deals is all we can and should be paying for ST guys.
  23. Steelers cut him. So it’s not a FA signing that counts against the comp pick formula. Beane having a very good day!
  24. Hope so. We still are going to lose multiple FAs - Dodson, Jackson, Epenesa, and Davis for sure. It should be rather easy for Beane to be net negative especially with 11 draft picks to play with.
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