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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Long overdue. Simms has been unwatchable for years. He really struggles with basic sentence structure. Esiason was fine. New faces may be good. Honestly rarely watch anything but the actual game. But every once in a while I tune in early or the post game show is still on in the background. I am pretty sure I've never heard Matt Ryan speak. If you played just his voice I would not be able to pick him out. I have no idea how he will do. Never a big fan of his. Choked alot in the playoffs even though the SuperBowl loss was more on the defense.
  2. Good move. Not sure he is good enough to give an extension but this buys you more time.
  3. Highlight was the New England playoff game. I was there. An absolute destruction. 2nd coldest game on Buffalo history. I was atvthe Raiders coldest game too! Johnson pick 6 is a top 3 play in franchise history!
  4. I know. And as I said, it can't hurt. I agree even if it is more social rapport and team building as opposed to actual pass and catch it can be a positive. I just wonder at this level does it really make a difference.
  5. Did you see something different? I didn't say he could not be good. The fact he can run all routes will open things up for him. They have to respect the short middle and deep throws inside and out. Davis was either not good or not utilized on short throws. DBs didn't have to play him up tight. They almost never ran slant patterns to Davis. But he did run many corners and posts. Coleman should be able to do most of what Davis did and a few other things.
  6. They play zone because that let's the dbs look at Josh. If they play man and turn away from Josh he runs for huge gains.
  7. If this was meant to make me feel better um it didn't. Watching college level DBs turn and run with him with ease is frightening. He looks so slow on go routes. I don't think that is where he will excel in the NFL. Hopefully his go to route will be the 15-20 yard cross and out. That was a Davis staple and one of his drops last season that ended up as an Allen INT.
  8. Lol...I turned the page in another thread. All positive from here on out.
  9. The thing you need to consider is what is his wins over replacement. Me and others would argue that many other coaches get the same results with Allen as your QB. And a few other coaches get more results. And I dispute your idea he is a great defensive coach. The rankings have been amazing. But we have all seen this team destroy garbage QBs and then not bexable to make stops when it mattered in the playoffs. His defense as choked repeatedly in the biggest moments. All that said, this is my last ant-McDermott post until the season starts. We are stuck with him and I just can't be negative all summer long. Anything less than a SuperBowl appearance this season and I want a new HC. I hope for a SuperBowl appearance, but I would rather miss the playoffs in the hope McDermott is replaced than lose in the first round of the playoffs.
  10. He's had six years and four of them with Allen playing out of his mind. How many more years are you going to give him? If he wins the division next year and loses in division round again you are ok with that?
  11. Honest question? Do people really think this matters? Josh tossing the ball around a HS field for a couple hours one weekend this summer. I mean it can't hurt but seriously how much can it possibly matter. You think in the KC game they said on the sideline remember that out pattern you threw me on the Lockport Lions field in June? Let's do that again!
  12. You give these guys way too much credit. Like Billy Beane said in Money Ball " You don't know" These scouts and GMs are more experienced than us. No doubt. But they are not infallible and who is to know if they are even good at their job. I have to be correct 100% of the time in my job. What is the success rate for these guys? I mean how many first round absolute busts do we have to list to realize GMs just don't know. The list of HOF QBs is far far less than the list of first round busts. Most on here were ok with Coleman. Some wanted another guy. What my guess is the vast majority of us wanted was another WR. Because at the end of the day these guys don't know. And two chances to be correct is far better than one chance.
  13. Yeah and if they didn't fumble on our goal line they would have lost by two scores or more.
  14. I am so sick and tired of the cliched leadership and intangibles non-sense. Where was the leadership from McDermott when he would not take ownership of the 13 second debacle?? Leadership starts from the top and he spouts non-sense like the process and winning mindset. We need to start a count of how many times he says we have a "young team that is still learning" as the losses stack up. Oh you can bet it will be heard often. Did Jimmy Johnson's teams that boat raced us in two SuperBowls have choir boys? No! Do you think Belichick gave one rat's ass about character. He drafted a gang member and eventual murderer. He brought a "malcontent " Moss on his team and went undefeated. Is Kelce a high character guy? No. He just destroys us. We need winners with elite talent not high character guys. McD chased away the second best player on offense because he dared to call out Dorsey as an incompetent OC. Now we have to hope a second year TE that can't block (yes he is willing to but he still can't) can become a star. A small group of us have said the major deficiency on this team has been McDermott for several years now. This draft just shows how much power McDermott has over Beane. As always, the only way we overcome this loser is if Allen plays superhuman football. Truly truly hope Allen outlasts this clown and we get a HC that knows how to win in modern NFL.
  15. What are you talking about? Patriot's had two of the best slot WRs of all time at a time they had arguably the best TE in the history of the NFL. When they did further address the WR spot, they went undefeated.
  16. I'm just stating that when the inevitable counting of offense/defense picks post is made, just becuase Beane drafted 5 offensive players in this draft, does not mean he adequately addressed the offense.
  17. But when they moved Diggs, they created a massive hole at WR. You can't equate the need at WR with the need for a backup DT or RB. Yes those were both needs but only after adequately addressing WR. Our only hope is a trade for a veteran.
  18. The only pick I love is Van Pran. He could be a great center and maybe even play this year. I don't hate Coleman. He might be a better version of Davis. Davis made some amazing plays but failed so often at the routine ones. But guys that can't seperate just aren't #1 WRs in this league. I think his ceiling can be a very very good #2. I hate that Beane didn't sell out for one of the top 4 WRs. Makes no sense. I would have preferred he burn that 2025 number one and whatever else it would have taken to get Thomas. Then to not get another WR in round 3 makes zero sense to me. I hate the Utah safety for everything he represents. An emphasis on defense and continuing to let McDermott shape this team. High character guy that Andy Reid and Kelce will exploit if we even make the playoffs. So sad...
  19. Cmon man. Shakir replaces Diggs??? Diggs had the four best WR years in Bills history. There is nothing to suggest Shakir even comes close to that.
  20. Yup. They go 8-9 this year and Josh marries the actress, he's going to ask for a trade to LA or Vegas.
  21. After all is said and done at this time, the offense is far worse on paper than last year. The WR group is bottom 10 at best. I doubt Brady signed up for this BS. All we can do is hope that Beane makes a move for a veteran. Right now as constructed this team is not beating the Jets D and probably can't keep up with the Dolphins offense. So sad...
  22. Just to be clear taking an OT and OG in round 6 and 7 is not adding playmakers for Allen
  23. Yes we lead in intangibles but coming up short on the tangibles
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