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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Not the best argument since the World Cup was played in US and will be again in 2026 and that is definitely not our sport.
  2. This is perfect answer. With the longer halftime and more frequent TV timeouts, they would be playing the game way past midnight in London and that would still be far too early for west coast time.
  3. You can argue there has never been a RB in league history before or after with his combination of size, speed, and vision. There were bigger and faster running backs and those that had longer careers, but I would argue that there has never been any player that was so elite in all three of these qualities. Additionally he was a fantastic receiver out of the backfield. His 1973 rushing season is still the best rushing season ever. His 143 yards/game is 10 yards/game more than the second closest. That is insane and is one of those records that will never be broken.
  4. I said at the time of the draft I thought Fields would end up having a better career. So far that has not come true but Fields has had far worse supporting cast and far worse coaching. He may yet still end up having a better career.
  5. Nice analogy! Just hope he lasts longer!
  6. Wait a minute!!! I read on here last week only Diggs skipped OTAs. What's up with all these me first guys skipping OTA. What's the dead cap if we trade Cook, AJE, and Oliver??
  7. I'd prefer he was used as Beasley was in 2020. That's about 80 receptions for almost 1000 yards. The perfect chain mover underneath. That would mean his target volume would jump quite a bit but his YPC would drop running more underneath routes. Yes he can play outside but there are others than can play outside. I have a tendency to want to emulate Tom Brady and Pats offense. That means a great TE Gronk (Kincaid and Knox in the aggregate) and a weapon in the slot - Edelman and Welker (Shakir). With Bills run game and a couple outside threats, this offense should be able to run so many different formations and plays with the same personel. Should keep defenses guessing.
  8. I agree. Rousseau has been a disappointment. He's not a bust but he gets injured every year and despite a heavy rotation seems to wear down and is less effective as the season wears on. I agree with picking up his extension to see if he can improve. My disdain for AJE is well documented. Dumb idea to give him a second contract. No faith in Von is fair. From what we have seen since coming back from injury and his age that makes sense. I do think he played better in the playoffs than he did in regular season games so that might be a glimmer of hope.
  9. Same as it has been Pad stats against garbage QBs, blow late game leads, and maybe one game where they inexplicably can't stop the run at all(Saints/Pats). I'm going to go out on a limb because I don't know where to find the data. But I think McDermott the play caller used more 4-3 last year. Maybe I'm wrong and it just seemed that way. I think back and it seemed Taron was on the sideline more last year than in years past. If Milano is healthy and Williams can play under control, the 4-3 base can dial up some interesting pressures.
  10. Draft picks and edge rusher on a 1 year deal. Hyde will sign in late October They are fine elsewhere Beane made his bed with the safeties and WRs. Now we just have to see what happens.
  11. I don't know if Diggs or Floyd was hurt or not. However, we found out Elam was hurt in presesson and to the point he went on IR mid-season, but he was never on an injury report.
  12. His first start is statistically the worst first start for a QB in NFL history. Add the fact he got three more starts just fuels my anti-McDermott opinions. That said you could probably substitute Trentative, Manuel, Losman, and Orton in there as well. All of them sucked the joy out of watching games. I know many would add TT but I liked his game for what it was worth. He didn't turn the ball over and we had a top 5 scoring offense with him and Roman. Rex just destroyed the Schwartz defense to ruin it.
  13. Player: Peterman and it's not close. Only time I ever left a Bills game was Bills at LA Chargers. Honorable mentions for Flutie, Benjamin, Spiller, Watkins, and Whitner. Coach: Gregg Williams. Couldn't stand him. Neither could Drew Bledsoe. I met Drew a few times when he was playing with Buffalo and he said Williams was a total ass and players hated him. GM: Levy. Knew it was a horrible idea to let Marv be GM.
  14. I think it will be a competition at C. No reason it wouldn't be. It's a false narrative that McD won't play rookies. Unfortunately teams rarely are willing to sub out guys on the OL for a drive or two unlike DL. If he doesn't win the job in camp he probably won't get a shot to play this year barring injury. He probably will dress for game day as I don't think there is another backup C on the roster now( correct me if I'm mistaken).
  15. Really really not trying to be a cynic but didn't Josh say the same things about Kumerow?
  16. McCoy in his prime was better than what we have seen from Cook so far. I don't think we've seen his best though. He looks like he can be truly special! Just catch the dam ball!!! Really like Johnson and Davis. I know lots of people including Tony Romo were talking about how a run game helps in the playoffs. I'm not saying it doesn't. But I think an effective run game can help Buffalo more early in the year. If they can run effectively right from the start then they can limit Josh taking hits and develop the pass offense with all these new parts. I would love to see them win several games early on only passing 20-25 tines a game.
  17. Like I said attendance at OTA does not make you a team player nor does the absence make you a diva. And if you are going to say missing OTAs makes you a diva then call every player that skips them a diva. Have a nice holiday weekend!
  18. It is more about evolution and not generations. The same people that want 100% attendance at OTAs probably are the same ones that want two a day training camp practices. And still want four preseason games. And withhold water during camp to make real men out of them. In the past guys used training camp to get in shape. Now guys train all year round. Rarely if ever do guys show up not ready to play. I 100% agree with mandatory rookie camp and rookies should be mandated for OTAs. I just don't believe in the things that traditionalist believe in. College football at the highest level has no preseason. Yes a bunch of team play patsies week 1 but a bunch of top 25 teams play each other week 1 too. COVID year the quality of play was no different without preseason or OTAs.( I can't remember the exact number of events that got canceled or altered). It's easy to just want to do the same thing over and over. Change is hard. But it can be for the better.
  19. Team event with 35-40 guys that won't be on the final roster. Let me meet you half way. Should all veterans show up for OTAs? Yes it can't possibly hurt and it's only 3 days. Honestly if I was Diggs I would show up just so I didn't have to answer a question from a reporter as to why I didn't show up. Does it have any impact on how they play on the field? No. Absolutely zero.
  20. Who says you can not be a team player and not attend OTAs? They are mutually exclusive.
  21. How many Bills players have 4 seasons over 100 receptions and over 1000 yards receiving? Want to know how much OTAs matter? McDermott canceled the last day and sent the players on field trips. They are absolutely meaningless for veterans.
  22. Ok last one... Bills Browns MNF 1995 Drove up from Columbus for the game. Bills win on last second FG. Walking back to my car and I met and spoke with Senator Alphonse D'Amato for several minutes.
  23. Quick Fun fact I've been to the two coldest games in Bills history Bills Raiders Jan 1994 Bills Pats Jan 2022
  24. I've posted this several times before My brother and I were picked out of the crowd early before the Bills Jets game in 1988. Yes the goal post game. SI camera man asked my younger brother and me to hold his cameras and equipment on the sideline. We watched the entire game on the field. You can see me on TV broadcast as Leonard Smith walked towards the tunnel after being ejected. We were in the press room for food at half time and watched all the post-game interviews. Talked briefly with Kelly and Hull as they left the locker room. This is 1988. No cell phones. I was 17 and my brother 14. Went to the game with my aunt. We would always go into the stadium super early and listen to them play Neil Diamond Coming to America to warm up the speakers. We would go down to the wall and watch the players warm up. My aunt had no idea we were on the field until about the 3rd quarter of the game when we finally got her attention. And yes I'm in the Buffalo News picture. Sort of. My brother's face can be seen but only my white hat next to him is seen. We knew the goal posts came down but had no idea they were being carried outside the stadium as we were in the press room. Only after the game did we find out.
  25. I don't know if he will be good or not but they should have traded down and taken Harrison
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