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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Seems like too much to overcome in one year. Honestly it felt that way even before Hamlin tragedy. Now I'm not sure how the team and the community recovers. Its cliché put sometimes adversity brings people even closer. Hope so. The problem is the SuperBowl window can slam shut pretty quickly. In a few years we might be looking back at a start of a run of a few Lombardis or we could be looking back at 13 seconds when it all unraveled and spiraled downward.
  2. This event has nothing to do with football. Can happen in baseball, soccer, hockey, lacrosse and other sports with far less contact. It's an accident that occurs very rarely. Judge football for long term cognitive and or orthopedic issues, not sudden cardiac death from blunt chest injury.
  3. All depends on if he in the concussion protocol or not. If he is then no comments will be made. If it is a neck strain then we may hear something soon I love you too Chandler
  4. No though I could see one point of emphasis change. When they implemented the concussion changes and leading with the crown of the helmet, that rule also applies to the ball carrier. It's rarely called but you see guys lower their head and initiate contact frequently and I don't recall it ever being called a penalty. So I could see a scenario where they make it a point of emphasis next season, even though in this case it was shoulder to chest.
  5. Wish we knew what the play call and the responsibilities were on that second down. Seemed more than just the Bengals blew it up. 3rd down incompletion was a bad pass not a drop. A good pass and Cole scores probably untouched. It was a great route and good play design. Josh has to deliver a catchable ball. He did not. Every ball that touches a hand is not a catchable ball and not always a drop.
  6. No. This is purely bad luck. Even Bob Costas is defending NFL today as this can happen in any sport.
  7. Honestly except for him having pads on it is about the best scenario for a recovery. Oddly the others are at casinos. They have cameras everywhere and response times are better. Sadly there is an unpredictable nature to neurologic recovery. I've seen it multiple times. There are people who you expect to wake up and be fine and there are others that you think won't recover that do. Only time will tell.
  8. It could be days before we know anything. His status will have no bearing on what they decide. Nor should it. My understanding is the Bills already flew home. They are not playing tomorrow. The only possibility is a Wednesday game and then moving Bills Pats and Bengals Ravens to Monday. That seems unlikely because more than one of those teams and possibly all four of them will have a short week before the playoff games. Not happening. They aren’t playing this game and they will either forfeit the Bills because they were losing at the time the game was stopped or just go by conference win percentage. It doesn’t really matter. This team is cursed this year.
  9. Just like I said 20 minutes after the hit and they said they were doing COR. It’s the only diagnosis that makes sense.
  10. Very unlikely. This is classic cardiac arrhythmia from blunt chest trauma. Just bad luck. The intubation is just to control the airway and is part of a prolonged resuscitation.
  11. They aren't changing the whole NFL schedule for one game. They likely had contingency plans from COVID for a team that could not play all its games. They will reference that and just play 16 games.
  12. Nope. No preexisting condition is needed. Just incredible bad luck.
  13. Yeah that is standard. In fact they may put him in hypothermia protocol as well. Depends how long it took to get a rhythm back. Its all about how his brain recovers from the period of hypoxia.
  14. That is true. But blunt impact to chest usually causes Ventricular fibrillation not asystole
  15. Bengals player shoulder and head hit Hamlin in the chest. That is all that is needed. Its not a neck issue
  16. Its not a vertebral injury. He would have not been able to get up. Its a cardiac arrest. He would have had enough BP to stand up and pass out as he did even as the heart was not beating.
  17. Agree. If they had effective CPR he will make it. The difference with the soccer player is the pads and time to get them off. Like others have posted the trainers probably rehearse this and if he makes it they will be heros.
  18. Its notlike the movies. When you have a cardiac arrest even after the heart comes back electrically it still may not be moving. And if he had CPR for 9 minutes there may have been little blood movement during that 9 minutes
  19. Absolutely they can go on the road and win. KC lost at home last season. Bills first game would be at home and the AFC Championship might still be in Buffalo. The WC round is going to be tough for whoever is not the first seed. Whoever draws the Chargers is going to lose. That allows for all kinds of possibilities in the Division round.
  20. Our best player has been inconsistent and leads the league in INTs. For the most part we win or lose on how he plays. Chicago was the exception so far this season. There are other amazing QBs and WR's that individually are having great years. There are probably 6 maybe 8 guys that have a legit case to be First Team, All-Pro at WR. Dawkins is having a down year, Morse is good but not great, and well the rest of the starters on both sides of the ball are solid but not spectacular. Even if White came back 100% he probably is not a top 4 CB, but he would still be great. Sure would be nice to see a Bills OL on this list next year.
  21. It's not as if Beane hasn't tried. Morse, Williams. Saffold, Ford, Brown, and Bates all signed to decent money and/or drafted in the early rounds. Have to wonder about the coaching. They kept putting Ford out there and didn't start Bates until like week 10 last year and that was only due to injury. They of course also let Teller go. Then when Morse goes down in Miami they don't move Bates over to C. WR and OL early and often in the draft next year.
  22. Disagree. His issue with the long ball in the past was overthrowing wide open guys. I'd rather he give our guys the chance to fight for the ball. He has also thrown a few nice back shoulder balls to Davis. His issue is not taking the check down and/or not throwing it away in the red zone.
  23. You want teams playing when they still have a chance to make the playoffs. Obviously they are not going to play a West coast game at 10 am but if you can set it up that the games are meaningful then the NFL should do it. That said it is a pain when talking about travel and plane flights.
  24. The question for me is it Daboll/Dorsey or is it Josh? As others posted Mahommes takes the check down dump off frequently. It seems Allen isn't willing to do that. He's certainly capable and has shown in the past he can play the dink and dunk game. I just feel ever since that KC playoff game he feels he needs to take more home run shots than just getting some positive yards. We watch the games and we see guys open underneath. Another issue is this mentality that FGs are somehow a bad thing now. It's stupid. Its still points. It feeds into this hero ball mentality and I think one of the reasons for more red zone turnovers this year. This is not college football where teams are putting up 40+ a game. League leaders in PPG is under 30. Yes you need TDs but 3 points on a drive is still a good drive even against Cincinnati and KC.
  25. Steelers RT is getting abused by everyone
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