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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. I'd sit Poyer in this game and rest him for the playoffs. They can beat Mac Jones with any warm body at safety.
  2. Of course they weren't doing it on purpose. They were doing it by mistake. Bates sat for how many years and only because of injury did he finally get to start. Teller traded. And yes Davis was better than Sanders, yes, Lawson was better than Murphy, and yes Singletary was better than Gore. In every case they chose the wrong guy because presumably they wanted experience over a younger guy. Elam is more physically gifted than Jackson. Just because they want a veteran that may not make more mistakes, still doe not mean it is the correct decision. Miami game this year. Instead of sliding Bates over to C, they played VanRoten when Morse went down. Bad decision. When Morse had the concussion, they started Bates and the O-line was mostly ok. They learned from their mistakes.
  3. That was a late hit on the QB. Stupid play. Is that was Allen we would want the flag thrown. McDaniels screwed that last drive with those red zone play calls.
  4. If Detroit and Indy are out, then Pittsburgh or Cleveland makes the most sense. New stadiums. Fairly close for each fan base. The game would have been played outdoors in the cold regardless.
  5. Except in every case I presented the younger player was the better player. Why is it so difficult to grasp the coaching staff may be making the wrong decision who to play? You asked for more examples and I gave you three.
  6. Murphy over Lawson Sanders over Davis Gore over Singletary
  7. I'd play to win the game but I would sit Poyer for this game and rest his knee. Bills O can outscore New England at home.
  8. Yes but I would take Clowney over Epenesa and Basham 10 times on a Sunday.
  9. This is correct, though i'm certain and ECHO was done that night. It would have been standard to get an ECHO right away.
  10. I was ahead of my time. As others have pointed out Tre's weakness is tackling and that may be ultimately what keeps him at CB. One reason I suggested the move was Johnson was playing terribly at safety. The other reason I suggested it was at the time Jackson, Elam, and Benford were holding their own at CB. Since then Elam is in the doghouse for unknown reasons, Benford is hurt, and well Jackson has been up and down. I don't know what to do now. There are no great options. I'd probably rest Poyer this Sunday and take my chances with Marlowe, Johnson, and some PS guy at safety for the Patriots game. Then hope Poyer is rested, partially healed up, and go with Poyer/Marlowe in the playoffs.
  11. Good post. They have the stats. But were they ever the dominant player at their position? You could make a similar argument for Moulds who if he played a little longer and had a better QB would be a fringe HOF guy too based on ability. Wayne wasn't even his team's #1 WR for many years. Johnson was probably more dominant but at the same time there were guys like Harrison, Moss, Megatron, and TO that were better. I'd be fine if they voted either or both in the HOF but I wouldn't be outraged if either did not make it.
  12. Anyone know what question McD would not comment on? The audio for the reporters questions is so bad. I almost never watch these anymore.
  13. I think the following should be voted in: Revis Thomas Hester Coryell Klecko I would probably vote Allen in as well. I'm torn on Wayne and Johnson. They are both in the Hall of the Very Good, just not sure they should be in the HOF.
  14. if you listen to the radio here in Cleveland, there is a lot of anti-Stefanski talk and not just the radio guys. A lot from the reporters that follow the team. It's mainly concerning the defense and DC Joe Wood. However, it seems to have shifted more to Stefanski since the offense got worse when they switched to Watson. If they lose to Pittsburgh and Kenny Pickett I have no doubt Stefanski is gone. Agree. I'm surprised he wasn't fired a couple of weeks ago.
  15. This is great news. Neurologically intact can mean many things, but in general it means he is awake even while on the ventilator, he follows commands such as squeezing hands, and that he is moving all four extremities. Way way too soon to talk about any cognitive long term issues but this is a major positive sign.
  16. No from the CPR most likely. It's not like TV. CPR is violent pushing on the chest
  17. From a pure football standpoint, if Pittsburgh makes the playoffs I would vote for Tomlin.
  18. Each situation is different and there is no specific time to assess brain function. CT and MRI are tools generally used more in stroke victims and not necessarily hypoxia cardiac arrest victims. In fact if all is going well they are typically awoken without the need for CT and MRI. Those imaging modalities are used if he was not recovering. If indeed he had lung injury that might require prolonged ventilation they may keep him sedated purposely to make it easier for him on the vent. There are risks to CT scans mainly the IV contrast that can cause kidney issues. And MRI of someone on the vent is possible but it is a challenge.
  19. Good post. I would add there are multiple different mechanisms of injury that can occur with OHCA that causes ARDS. I would venture to guess that aspiration is high on the list in addition to trauma from the CPR. Typically a pulmonary contusion from CPR doesn't manifest itself as ARDS for a couple days while aspiration pneumonitis can develop in hours.
  20. Only Bills game I have ever left before it was over. Walked out at half time and threw my hat in the garbage. Awful experience. Terrible soccer stadium. Playoffs still a possibility and to witness the worst QB debut of all time was too much. Great birthday weekend though, saw Hamilton in LA the night before.
  21. This is true. However the arrest itself and the subsequent CPR can result in heart injury from hypoxia and physical damage to the sternum and rib cage. It's not liek TV. CPR is violent and broken ribs is not uncommon. A cardiac contusion which is different and is actual injury can occur from blunt trauma but usually a different mechanism. Think Jeremy Renner and MVA type accidents not baseballs hitting the chest at just the wrong time.
  22. Agree. There probably is some standard procedure when a prolonged injury and ambulance is used. They likely started that process on the field before common sense kicked in that this was beyond even a terrible neck injury that we have seen sadly many too times before. I'm not going to bash the NFL as this was truly an unprecedented event and they did the best they could. It will be interesting to see how quickly Goodell and Troy Vincent were made aware of the events and how quickly they intervened. Maybe that is already known but I haven't seen it.
  23. Good post. The hypothermia protocol has changed over the years and there is no standard protocol used. It sometime depends on how long the cardiac arrest is and what if any activity the patient is showing immediately at ROSC. You are correct a weaning trial would not be tried until the patient is fully rewarmed. And some centers do a gradual rewarming while others simply remove the cooling device and allow the patient's temperature to rise naturally. The reality of it is the patients temp is hard to control unless you are using an IV cooling catheter which has mostly fallen out of favor as most institutions are using non-invasive cooling means (ice bags/cooling blankets) as they are cheaper and easier to administer.
  24. Not really. I know that is an easy assumption to make but brain reperfusion and recovery is mostly determined by total time of the arrest and the adequacy of the CPR, and sadly just luck.
  25. I know most people feel the Taron hit was dirty but I don't know. Just seems like Taron was in an awkward position and the Bengals player just pancaked him. If that was Brown finishing off a block on a Bengals defender I doubt we would call it excessive. The roll into Allen's legs to me however appeared intentional and dirty. Looks like he purposefully makes an extra roll into Allen's legs. Regardless of intent it was contact below the QB knees in the pocket and he was not blocked into the QB. It should have been a penalty. People can hate on Brady all they want but this rule was appropriately put in place after his knee injury. And it should be enforced. Honesty this should be enforced more than these subtle incidental blows to the QB head where the defender just touches a hand on the facemask or helmet with glancing non-forceful contact.
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