We are stuck and there is no way out. Pegula is not going to get rid of Beane and McDermott. McDermott has done too much for the franchise and the city to be canned. So we will waste another year on Dungy 2.0 only to come up short again. We are now on three years wasted of the best QB play this team has ever had. And nothing to show for it. Next year will be four and the cap situation will only keep getting worse.
This team needed a teacher and a father figure. Now they need a mercenary assassin. Give Josh Sean Payton or Jim Harbaugh and Bills win the SuperBowl next year.
Its not going to happen so we had just be prepared for another year of this crap. When McDermott says we will learn and grow from this I hope some reporter has the balls to say when do you stop learning and winning instead?