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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. You may be right and he can't stay healthy either. But my guess is he gets 10 sacks this year and Bills sign him to an extension.
  2. Time for McDermott to actually coach players up. Dorian Williams has speed and hits like a truck. McDermott could never teach Edmunds to be a good MLB. Let's hope he can coach up Williams.
  3. If we are in the playoff race at that point, then most likely Williams or whoever is playing that spot may be doing just fine. We all want to think they are still competing this year, but the way Beane is operating he is planning for a big splash this offseason and a run in 2025. Milano is already 30. They need to give Josh a raise and pay Rousseau this off season. It's harsh but we don't even know if he would have been any good coming off the leg fracture.
  4. I will probably get blasted, but it's time to give Milano an injury settlement and cut ties with him. This sucks but they already drafted his replacement.
  5. Is this the same guy that retired at half-time???
  6. I don't know last year Buffalo in London sucked pretty bad too
  7. Just announced out for the season Second round pick is looking better and better. I'd be shocked if it is anything lower than 35.
  8. Which is a waste of everyone's time. Why not just let Trubisky play the whole game? It's obvious he needs the practice, and it at least gives the other players a chance to show what they can do.
  9. Same here. I had no idea who he was or that he played on Bills. God those were the lowest of low times...maybe only 84 and 85 back to back 2-14 were worse
  10. Pretty much sums up preseason commentary!!! Love it!!!! Just spit up my latte when I read that. Thank you for making my day!!!!
  11. Ok stats are meaningless and it is all Josh... But but.... So then riddle me this, why did Singletary never go over 1000 yards rushing? Hell he never even got to 900 yards. But Cook did. Did they not play soft boxes and defend deep passes when Singletary was the RB?
  12. Me think you don't know what the word elite means... 3rd RB in all purpose yards and 4th in rush yards
  13. One dimensional??? How can you watch last season and call him one dimensional? He was top 5 in all-purpose yards.
  14. I don't know Tyreek's track history in college but I'm sure it has been a long time since he ran 100m let alone 200m at full sprint
  15. Not Elevated his game? He was 4th in rushing and 6th in all purpose yards. How much more does he need to do to say he has elevated his game? I get the frustration at the drops, but he's a top 4 RB on a team that didn't even feature the run game until halfway through the season. Remember when this elite coaching staff was giving meaningful carries to Murray?
  16. Put SVPG in the pivot now and don't look back. What's the point of waiting. If he doesn't work out then you can revert to McGovern later. Right now I see an OL with Dawkins, McGovern, Van Pran, Torrence, and Brown as a better short and long term option than Edwards at LG and McGovern at C.
  17. My issue with Beane signing Trubisky is he proved he sucked last year in Pittsburgh. No matter what they thought they saw in practice a couple years ago, he proved he can't carry a team in real games. He sucked in Chicago and he sucked in Pittsburgh. Justin Field would have been a better guy to bring in. They could have had him for $500K less than Trubisky and it would have only cost a 5th rounder in 2025. In the end it won't matter much if Allen misses more than a couple games.
  18. I yield. Everything you said is correct. But.... NFL TV deal $110 Billion over 11 years. NFL ticket sales for preseason games is a rounding error in the income ledger. As in the $6.5M in ticket sales from yesterday represents 0.065% of the revenue they get from one year of the TV deal.
  19. I have the blue with standing white Buffalo and white with red Buffalo as well. Have had those for a few years. Classic awesome look! Almost purchased the white on white. It looks cool!
  20. We are both correct. Yes the income from the preseason games goes into the pot of money that ultimately determines the salary cap. That is not tiny but still mostly insignificant compared to TV income from regular season games. It has been a ripoff since day 1 that season ticket holders have to pay full price for these games. A true travesty but in the end people would jsut pay a higher cost for season tickets for the 8 games if the pre-season wasn't included. And I'm sure the players don't see it as real income. They only get paid bonus checks and game checks and they aren't getting a game check for this week. They do get a camp stipend of something like $3200 a week. That pales in comparison to a say a $2M roster bonus or a $10M salary divided over 17 games which amounts to over $500K a game. Even league average salary is nearly $180K a game. So that $3200 for the week is 1.7% of the average NFL salary game check. They have the best LT, RT, RG combo they have ever had. Never though much of Morse anyways. If Edwards is not cutting it at LG I'd be fine moving McGovern back to G and playing Anderson or the rookie in the pivot.
  21. There is no point, that's the point. I know I'm a broken record but COVID proved you don't need preseason games. They couldn't figure out Wyatt Teller was a future probowl player in real games let alone preseason games. Everyone relax. If they suck this year these preseason games won't have anything to do with it. Playing Arizona week 1 is like Ohio State playing Bowling Green. Should be a good get right week 1 win. Get some solid reps for the backups. Let Elam play some man to man on MHJr. Get a few sacks to pad the defense stats as McD does. Then move on to week 2 Players don't get paid for preseason games They only get game checks for regular season games.
  22. After a few years of wearing the same hats, I am starting with a new trio! Please post yours!
  23. Yeah Cleveland got hit with two tornados this week. Trees down everywhere. 400k lost power. About 200k had no power four four days. My hospital was running on generator for 2 and half days. I was working out and showering at Planet Fitness for a few days. Saw Inside Out 2 - no good trailers We changed our mind and went to a steak place after the movie. I love biriyani though!!! After dinner we came home to the power finally back on! I think many others still without.
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