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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. To be fair, Shakir did that with Diggs on the field. Do you think defenses will allow him to get open as much with no other credible WR threat? And that's not taking anything away from Shakir. He catches almost everything though people conviently forget his brutal playoff drop against the Dolphins. Kincaid and Knox will be sensational this year. Shakir if used like Edelman, Welker, Beasley can get 100 catches. Up to Brady and Allen to feed him the ball.
  2. You kick the ball 100% of the time from that distance and with that amount to gain. The only time you would not would be if it was a wind/weather issue. I think if it was 4th and under 2 yards I probably would go for it so you can burn the clock and kick with no time left. I'd trust my offense to get 2 yards more than my defense to stop the opponent who only needs to get a FG to beat me. The NFL odds of converting the first down at that distance is over 60%. I actually think McDermott would go for it as well. I'd kick in a SuperBowl with presumed dome or ideal outdoor conditions up to 54 yards. I'd say the odds of making a 54 yard kick are probably better than 4th and 7. I found a stat that said 4th down and 8 or more yards converted only 40% of the time. My bet is your kicker will make a 54 yard FG more than 4 times out of 10.
  3. I understand what Tua is saying and I would not want a coach like that. But we know some players respond to that and we know many coaches can be successful. I think the issue is you need to know what works with each player. It seems Tua is psychologically fragile whereas a guy like Tom Brady can handle that coaching even as a young player. In the end these guys are pro athletes. if they need motivation from a coach it's already a problem. They need a coach to put them in a position to succeed and to teach not to motivate.
  4. We've been to four SuperBowls. Perhaps if they had won even one of those we may find more joy in losing a home playoff game. Me I do not. It's Championship or bust. I love that the Rams went all in and got their ring. Do you think their fans care they have struggled since? That said, you can enjoy the games and the wins as they happen and be disappointed at the end. Those swings in emotions are perfectly natural. Not sure why that is hard to comprehend for this board. Being disappointed and frustrated doesn't mean we don't enjoy the good moments. Because some of us believe McDermott is a fraud and Beane is far from a genius, doesn't mean we can't praise them for their good qualities or their good decisions. We just don't have to sit back and say it's ok to lose home playoff games, or that the 13 second loss is anything but one or the worst coaching failures in franchise history(for which McDermott still won't own up to it). Our coaches lost our best chance at a SuperBowl. The second or third (Bruce and OJ) best player in franchise has to carry the team and now has to do it with the worst group of WRs since 2018.
  5. Nah. I already predicted 12-5 for the Bills. People on here think I'm negative but I'm the eternal optimist!
  6. Pretty sure Brady had Gronk and Belichick and Mahomes has Kelce and Reid. Those are two of the three greatest TEs in NFL history, and probably two of the top 10 NFL coaches in league history. Kincaid isn't there yet and let's just say McDermott isn't making any all-time HC list anytime soon.
  7. Is there a such thing as a reverse survival league where you pick a team you think will lose each week?
  8. Yeah except since Josh has been here there are two years that only two were drafted in the first round. One year with six. This last draft there were seven but 3 of them were taken with Buffalo's pick given to KC or later. There are many more WRs produced in college now as almost everyone is running 3-5 WR sets all the time. That said, Beane got Diggs. And Davis after the 4 TD game looked like a star. It is easy in retrospect to say they should have done more at WR in the draft. However only drafting one after trading down and then giving Diggs away is total GM incompetence. Beane even said he made the team worse by trading him. Hopefully one day we will know what made them trade Diggs and why they couldn't make it work. If it was because of McDermott then it is just another indictment of the fraud of a coach he is. If was between Allen and Diggs, then shame on both of them for not working it out.
  9. It's all perspective. During the drought we had bad QBs and bad coaching Now we have a top 3 QB and a coach that is wasting him
  10. Sad that a HC picks the plan before the draft and before training camp. Shouldn't they all be competing for jobs?
  11. I heard Gilliam is fast on special teams, let's line him up outside and throw him a fly pattern...
  12. I can't defend Knox any longer. He's one of my favorite players. At this point however, I'm not getting back on the bandwagon until I see it. Davidson is intriguing. See no reason why they shouldn't keep him over Morris. Oh wait I can. McD has his favorites and Morris is one of them
  13. Dude people still wear his jersey to games which is astonishing to me
  14. Miller is a HOF player MA is a punter Fair or not they will be treated differently He got due process under the law. Not the same thing for NFL contracts I will agree though that the pendulum swung too far. For a long time rape victims underreported becuase they were the one that were put on trial especially if it was an accusation against a star athlete or other public figure. Case in point - Cosby, Weinstein, and Epstein. Then it swung to immediate condemnation in the public of anyone accused - Duke Lacrosse. I think over the last couple of years we are seeing more instances of taking a pause and letting the legal process run its course.
  15. Multiple possibilities. 1. He doesn't care. He's getting paid and McD and Allen basically gifted him several million dollars 2. He's injured and we don't know 3. He's a drunk or some other substance abuse 4. Brady and the QB coach suck and under their tutelage he is regressing 5. He has always been bad and a combination of 1 or more of the above has just made him worse
  16. Isn't anyone a little concerned that the same two guys keep making bad roster decisions. How do you watch game tape from Pittsburgh last year and bring this guy back???
  17. He's better at LB than Matakevich ever was This may sound silly but this team needs a positive story right now. A backup LB will make no difference this year. But some positive vibes can't hurt.
  18. He's a punter. If it was another position yes but no media nightmare like that is worth it for a punter. I advocated for cutting him then and I'm not going to retrospectively criticize McD and Beane now. They've made far worse decisions than cutting a punter.
  19. Facts don't matter in this board Wasn't Davis fumbling in training camp too?
  20. So you want to trade one of the only two day 2 picks that have amounted to anything under Beane for another pick?? Are you just intent on wasting this season for 2025? While I do subscribe to the fact RBs are disposable, you still need them on your team. Use him for his entire contract then move on. Hope you find someone just as good two years from now.
  21. Beane knew he was going to have cap space in 2025. This was the draft to give up next years #1 and go up and get a star WR. I hated the Diggs move but that #2 from Houston via Minnesota plus there own #2 will be good enough to reload at edge and CB next year. This was the year to go get your Jefferson type WR. I've been consistent. I don't care about consistently winning. Losing at home in the playoffs is just as bad as not making it. They blew their best shot with 13 seconds and wasted Josh's rookie contract. I watched four SuperBowl runs already. Only care about a Championship now.
  22. Don't disagree with what you posted. I just disagree with the approach. We should be win now at all costs. Not waiting for a WR to develop. Again if the idea is spread the ball around and attack with multiple guys it can work. Josh and Brady just need to execute that type of offense.
  23. Lol, something like that. Was it Madden that said it first?
  24. 12 - Kincaid, Knox, Coleman, and a mix of Samuel/Shakir 12 wrinkle - line up Samuel in the backfield and go Kincaid, Knox, Coleman, and Hollins. Then motion Samuel out. If they catch them in man coverage it's a TD 12 wrinkle 2 - Kincaid, Knox, Samuel, and MVS. Cook or Davis in the backfield. This set will be lethal. They can run WR deep and the TEs will be open underneath. If they play man you have some guys that can win some 1:1 deep shots. And last you have multiple screen options out of this group 3 WR - any combo plus Shakir. Shakir is going to be amazing out of the 3 WR set. He can play the Brown or Beasley role interchangeably. He has enough quickness and enough speed to go short, middle, or deep. He will be the 3rd down chain mover.
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