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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. To be fair he won a SuperBowl and was a national media icon. Until Josh wins the SuperBowl, like it or not the face our franchise is a former rental car spokesman, bad actor, and a murderer.
  2. Never watched it once even during the Bills SB years. Just name players to the team and cancel the game. Many of the best players opt out anyways.
  3. I think it is a bit of both. In general points are lower but as the other poster said, the WRs know where they are going and the defenders need to react. It could result in guys getting wide open if a defender falls or loses his balance. QB still needs to deliver the ball too.
  4. Phillips out again on a silly dive at the QB that had no chance of making a tackle. Bad luck but also unnecessary. Bates out as well. Who do you think starts at RG? Q?
  5. It's a player safety issue the NFLPA should protest. Will it take a player dying of heat stroke to end this non-sense of playing in oppressive heat?
  6. I was under the heaters for the Pats playoff game. The heaters take a bit of the edge off but you still need to layer up.
  7. I flew from Portland OR to Jacksonville for the Jags playoff game in 2018. I think that is farther than Portland to NYC which I did last year. I think we have a winner
  8. It was actually 8:26 left on the clock and that is a lot of time. You can still throw the ball with high percentage plays that will still keep the clock moving. Brady perfected using the pass in to burn clock with 5 min left. You just need to be smart with the calls. I'm pretty sure the second down was a Singletary drop. I think he was an outlet and not the primary target on that play but I may be wrong. The third down play should have been a safe underneath pass that might be able to pick up the first down. Worst case scenario you burn 40 more seconds on the clock.
  9. So when a Bills DB knocks the ball out of an opponent's hands it is not a pass defensed? The other team makes plays too. Great play call, slightly bad pass, great play by Moseley Knox drops some easy ones from time to time but that wasn't one of them.
  10. Wasn't a drop. It was a great play by Mosley on a ball thrown behind Knox.
  11. I searched and didn't see a thread on this. And since Bates gets his own ankle thread I figured for at least this week Hill should get his own. A few links https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/tyreek-hill-injury-update-dolphins-ankle-chargers/atxd1g5ssf132o2neyjolc2g https://sports.yahoo.com/dolphins-tyreek-hill-dealing-injury-201537035.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANkb9pFxgawPSrcmFGdJmUOWNMgdsevP4ipO5bCvM7LIlm9Fkbs4ySxF1UnoN-4gAu0Yq3Ox1IRIAhfOcIdDtgsJjl1D6IokQiiYcPthecd5SDbvDxXow8k7okXzNVrB0XxqPr3eO-a-TcqFrl7FJNJHE9v8ytXFNBO9Ezvx5eCh
  12. Uh no he hasn't. He got beat out by Lawson for a starting job (which is fine by me because I think Lawson is a good player). He played a decent game yesterday but he has been invisible most of the year.
  13. Milano and Edmunds have started ever since they were rookies. Bernard is just awful.
  14. Good take. Brown knows most of the offense and they know him.
  15. Cincinnati beats Buffalo but loses another game maybe even two to Baltimore and Tampa. I thought Denver had a shot against KC, now I think it will be the Raiders that beats them. Bills still get home field throughout.
  16. Interesting to see they pulled both Saffold and Dawkins on that play. Saffold whiffed on his block and Dawkins cleaned house. The DT moved inside on the snap making the Bates/Brown combo block easy. Morse handles his guy. That basically left two OL on their DE as the MLB jumped to fill the outside gap. If JA doesn't turn that up field the LB is there to make the play. Nice block nice run block read by Josh.
  17. He gave a ton of cushion yesterday. Which was perfect. The only way Bills lose that game is if the Jets hit a big play due to a defender falling down. He played safe and they got few if any big plays. Even on the receptions he gave up on in breaking routes he was right there. Perfect throws beat perfect coverage. If a few of those throws are off just a bit he can make a play on the ball. Hope for more of the same this Saturday. White never had the speed to keep up with Hill before the injury. Just avoid getting beat deep and Bills will be fine.
  18. That's not Davis that was on the play caller. Davis doesn't determine if he is running a skinny post in the red-zone Dorsey does.
  19. That's not even true. Last season he caught multiple crossing routes and multiple deep outs along the boundary. Yesterday he had a 20 yard reception on a stop route that was perfectly executed. He's more than just a deep shot guy.
  20. A little disappointed in Elam but he should be fine in the long run. Cook. Meh. Not super fast and doesn't run hard. Don't see 2nd round talent there but its early. Bernard - hated the pick then and hate it now. True waste of a pick. Any WR or OL in the 3rd round would have been a better choice. Shakir - doesn't seem quick enough to be your full time slot guy. Looks like a 4th WR that can split time inside and out. Decent depth guy. Benford - surprise late round gem who hopefully starts at safety next year or 2024
  21. He's a hit and miss #2. Thats pretty much how most #2's are. He made some nice plays yesterday. The issue is Dorsey needs to use Knox more. The great teams now use the TE as the number 2 or even number 1 pass catching threat. Knox has that ability. I was fine with the throw to Knox at the ned of the game. It showed the type of calls Doresy needs to make. If Allen puts that 1 yard closer to the sideline it is game over and everyone is talking about how they closed out the game with Knox.
  22. You could see the flag thrown in the replay before he let go of the ball. My guess is he knew he had a free play. Maybe not but the flag was right in his line of sight.
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