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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Bengals player shoulder and head hit Hamlin in the chest. That is all that is needed. Its not a neck issue
  2. Its not a vertebral injury. He would have not been able to get up. Its a cardiac arrest. He would have had enough BP to stand up and pass out as he did even as the heart was not beating.
  3. Agree. If they had effective CPR he will make it. The difference with the soccer player is the pads and time to get them off. Like others have posted the trainers probably rehearse this and if he makes it they will be heros.
  4. Its notlike the movies. When you have a cardiac arrest even after the heart comes back electrically it still may not be moving. And if he had CPR for 9 minutes there may have been little blood movement during that 9 minutes
  5. Absolutely they can go on the road and win. KC lost at home last season. Bills first game would be at home and the AFC Championship might still be in Buffalo. The WC round is going to be tough for whoever is not the first seed. Whoever draws the Chargers is going to lose. That allows for all kinds of possibilities in the Division round.
  6. Our best player has been inconsistent and leads the league in INTs. For the most part we win or lose on how he plays. Chicago was the exception so far this season. There are other amazing QBs and WR's that individually are having great years. There are probably 6 maybe 8 guys that have a legit case to be First Team, All-Pro at WR. Dawkins is having a down year, Morse is good but not great, and well the rest of the starters on both sides of the ball are solid but not spectacular. Even if White came back 100% he probably is not a top 4 CB, but he would still be great. Sure would be nice to see a Bills OL on this list next year.
  7. It's not as if Beane hasn't tried. Morse, Williams. Saffold, Ford, Brown, and Bates all signed to decent money and/or drafted in the early rounds. Have to wonder about the coaching. They kept putting Ford out there and didn't start Bates until like week 10 last year and that was only due to injury. They of course also let Teller go. Then when Morse goes down in Miami they don't move Bates over to C. WR and OL early and often in the draft next year.
  8. Disagree. His issue with the long ball in the past was overthrowing wide open guys. I'd rather he give our guys the chance to fight for the ball. He has also thrown a few nice back shoulder balls to Davis. His issue is not taking the check down and/or not throwing it away in the red zone.
  9. You want teams playing when they still have a chance to make the playoffs. Obviously they are not going to play a West coast game at 10 am but if you can set it up that the games are meaningful then the NFL should do it. That said it is a pain when talking about travel and plane flights.
  10. The question for me is it Daboll/Dorsey or is it Josh? As others posted Mahommes takes the check down dump off frequently. It seems Allen isn't willing to do that. He's certainly capable and has shown in the past he can play the dink and dunk game. I just feel ever since that KC playoff game he feels he needs to take more home run shots than just getting some positive yards. We watch the games and we see guys open underneath. Another issue is this mentality that FGs are somehow a bad thing now. It's stupid. Its still points. It feeds into this hero ball mentality and I think one of the reasons for more red zone turnovers this year. This is not college football where teams are putting up 40+ a game. League leaders in PPG is under 30. Yes you need TDs but 3 points on a drive is still a good drive even against Cincinnati and KC.
  11. How about a shout out to Detroit! Way to turn around their season. Lots of good young talent on that team.
  12. Good to see a WR on another team drop a contested ball. That should have been a TD to Watson. Great throw. If Bills get home field I'm still sticking with my Bills Chargers AFC Championship prediction.
  13. I dont think most on here have much of an issue with his use in pass coverage. He's very good to great in zone. He's average to below average in man. Most people's issue with Edmunds is his ability to defend the run. He's truly awful. Yes he doesn't have many missed tackles because he is blocked so far out of the play. The other issue is his utter lack of developing any pass rush ability. Both he and Milano blitz up the middle from time to time and Edmunds rarely if ever makes a play. At this point I would franchise him and bring him back for another year. Have Oliver play on his fifth year option. Sign Poyer to a 3 year deal. Then I spend my early draft picks on offense. Ideally Bills win SB this year or next then you let some of these high priced defenders walk and retool the defense.
  14. Mac Jones is so bad. New England is screwed for at least another couple of years.
  15. Good one. I would take Terrence McGee against the Bengals though. KO return TD and pick in the same game!
  16. Hmmmm. I dont know about that. Teams overvalue their draft picks and if you trade for him you have to sign him to a big contract. Someone makes that deal but I bet it is closer to 5 or 10 teams not all 31
  17. If Bernard was not a third round pick, he would not even be on the roster. He would struggle to even get a PS spot, but McD and Beane have to save face and keep him on the roster.
  18. We are everywhere! A testament to our passion for the Bills and a sad commentary on the economic plight of Western NY.
  19. Disappointment - Yes very much so. Like it or not second round picks need to contribute early and often. He has not. Bust- Not yet. DL is a hard transition in the NFL. I think it is harder than CB. NFL Oline play is so much better than college. College DL just rush the passer and have little keys to learn. Also, Basham is too thick and too slow to be a 4-3 DE. He would be better as a 3-4 DE. At this point its more likely than not he is a bust but he will get one more year to improve from sure.
  20. 100% agree! The Bills have been the regular season SuperBowl for most teams. Fair enough but there is a reason Brady has 6 SuperBowls, Montana has 4, and Aikman 3. These guys were absolute assassins in the playoffs with very few mistakes. Allen played that way last season but so far this year not so much. I just hope last seasons end doesn't make him think he has to do it all on his own.
  21. Morse has played well. But in the one game sample size Bates was fine. The issue in Miami was they did not move Bates to C when Morse went out. Is Morse at C with Bates at G better than Bates at C with Ike/Q/VanRoten at G...yes I think so. Bates has been a bit of a disappointment at G. He's been ok but in retrospect I now wish Beane had not matched the Bears offer sheet. I advocated for keeping him then and I won't fault Beane for doing so. Had White not been injured my guess is he lets bates walk and drafts OT/OG. Oh well what is done is done. The key is not letting Van Roten anywhere near the center spot.
  22. Did we? Bills ran for over 200 yards with Bates in the pivot. Bates was solid at center. Morse is playing well but there was no drop off with Bates.
  23. We all love Allen, but many of his mistakes are him trying to do too much. It's just that simple. He can be the greatest QB the Bills have ever had and still be making mistakes. These two things can both be true. He is leading the league in INTs and has had what maybe 6 dropped INTs this season. That doesn't happen by accident or a few tipped balls at the LOS. He has been reckless with the ball and in particular this year he has been in the red-zone repeatedly. When he is not, the Bills win with ease.
  24. I want calm Josh not hero ball sugar rush Josh. That's all that matters.
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