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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Wish just one coach would come out and say this whole OTA thing is bull####. Allen said it in the PC. Should only be mandatory for rookies and optional for new free agents.
  2. Sure it is. Maybe it wasnt. Maybe it was frustration. If he was trying to send a message to Diggs it backfired horribly But I will give him the benefit of the doubt on intent and instead K think it was just a poorly executed choice of words. Words matter but can't believe it will undo their entire relationship . Yet think again who was last man standing on the field after 13 seconds. And who showed the same level of frustration we had as fans in the Detroit game. Who knows what was /is going on in Diggs mind.....
  3. If I had to speculate, Diggs has an issue with the coaching staff. Perhaps it is with Dorsey or the fact the WR coach got scapegoated. Either way seems like he wasn't satisfied with what McD was saying yesterday. Maybe Diggs challenged McDs authority and they needed some time to cool down. Win game 1 and none of this matters.
  4. His agent was right. Mcd made it worse. Diggs should have just practiced not trying to argue that. But obviously there is more to the story and McD made it worse.
  5. Not buy into the hype last year? Did you forsee all the injuries and a guy dying on the field? Did you post your concerns about the OL before the season started? If so kudos to you. The OL was quite good the last 6 games or so and playoffs of 2021. That coincided with Bates starting at G and Dawson recovering from COVID #2. I agree the reaction to signing Saffold was mixed on here. But in general most agreed with matching Bates contract offer. All that said, I had the same thought after his little hissy fit in the box too.
  6. Dam. I try to be a rule follower but I missed the last sentence. If they must be active then I'm going with Doug Pederson. This guy won a SuperBowl with one of the least talented QBs. What did Reid and Belichick do without Mahommes and Brady. Yes both are excellent coaches but Pederson did more with less. And Pederson tore up BB's defense.
  7. We will know a lot more after this year. We don't know the play calls and what Allen should be doing in every given play. But we could all tell from starting with the second half of the Green Bay game to the end of the season the offense just never seemed in sync or smooth. Whatever you want to call it, something didn't feel right. But yet as you pointed out statistically the numbers were fine. It just felt that yards were hard to come by and scheming guys open for easy completions was absent. As you pointed out there were too many deep shots when they needed more move the chains underneath throws. Yet they started well. So was that teams figuring out Dorsey, was that the elbow, was that bad o-line play? Probably all of the above.
  8. Does that mean we have to lose to the Browns this year before going back to the SuperBowl? I don't think I could handle that again.
  9. People are laying all the blame on Diggs in this thread. I'm just saying that McD made matters worse. Allen could have done the same thing I suppose and just said it's internal and only take questions about the practice. But he didn't. McD sideswiped the questions. RIght or wrong from a PR standpoint, I don't know. Just felt like Allen was left out there to answer for himself, the coaching staff and the organization. That's fair as he is a franchise QB but it's McD's job first and foremost. I'm usually critical of the Buffalo media, but kudos to them for asking follow-up questions to Josh. They were probing but respectful of his relationship with Diggs. Yes it is just OTA's but let's be honest its a big story. It may not be in the end a big deal but it's a big story that was brewing ever since that sideline argument.
  10. How many playoff games have the Vikings won? They are in rebuild mode. They have nothing to laugh about.
  11. LOL. It's McD that put Allen out there to take the questions that he wouldn't answer. Not Diggs.
  12. Same thing Allen said. He should have said it's on me to figure out how what is going on with Diggs and work through it. He shoudl have said I will keep spwkaing wiht him like the adult that he is. McD just inflamed whatever the situation is with his "very concerning comment". There is absolutely nothing that is very concerning about OTA's. Allen said it. 4 reps in June mean nothing. He said nothing they are doing now means anything during the season. McD made a fiery situation worse and then just said no more questions. Allen stood in there and took the bullets.
  13. He had a career high in TDs as well in 2022. The odd thing is he is probably right. Diggs caught 127 balls in 2020 in 16 games. And that was with Beasley getting 82 receptions. He probably correctly believes that without a credible slot threat in 2022 he should have had 3-5 more targets a game and thus somewhere around 120-130 receptions. So yes in the correct context, wanting more receptions than 108 makes sense.
  14. Good example. He isn't even Reeves with Denver as Reeves made two SB appearances with his strong armed QB.
  15. 99.5% chance McD is back next year no matter what happens. And I don't even believe in him. 0.5% chance he is gone. It would probably take missing the playoffs and Allen losing his ***** on the sideline when McD blows a shot at the last playoff spot.
  16. Kudos to Josh for taking the bullets that McD didn't. Allen is such a great leader and stand up guy.
  17. You think missing a day of OTAs is a massive issue? How long have you been following football. These practices are meaningless. If McD is such a good coach and communicator then maybe he should reach out to Diggs and figure out what is going on. Maybe he has and we don't know. But to think this is a massive issue is crazy.
  18. Don't the players vote for captains? The players could care less if he shows up for OTAs. He's one of the three best players on the team.
  19. LOL. Destroyed with the fan base? Want to bet they cheer the first reception and the first TD?
  20. You conviently forgot he injured his ankle in week 4 or 5. Perhaps that has something to do with it.
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