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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. I think we get it. We understand why better players get different treatment. We are saying it is hypocritical. Both are true.
  2. I am excited to see what Baker can do. He almost beat Mahommes on the road in the playoffs with a bad Cleveland team. Then he plays hurt for almost an entire year and the Browns get rid of him and trade for a sexual predator. Not saying he is great but he is far better than Darnold and obviously the other Josh. Will be interesting to see if he gets a new national commercial in his new city.
  3. Takeo Spikes being cheered by Bills fans in Buffalo when he was still a Bengal. He was a pending free agent and would sign with Buffalo a few months later.
  4. Carl Byrum - crossed the picket line and played with the replacement players
  5. Good topic. Jones is the least talented of all of them. No idea why they gave him a contract extension. They will regret that move over the next couple of years. I defend Jackson on this board a lot. He's a much better QB than many on here post. However he's now been injured two seasons in a row. If I was Baltimore GM I would have tagged and forced him to play under the tag for one year and then let him walk. I think he is talented but I would not have taken the risk of that many dollars for a guy that may have trouble staying healthy. Jets made a wise calculated risk. They have a championship caliber defense and some young stars on offense. I don't think they did enough on the o-line to protect Rodgers. But he will be so much better than Zach Wilson who I predicted pre-draft would be a bust. Rodgers experience should help cover up for some of the o-line deficiencies. But why Hackett as your OC? Makes no sense. He's terrible and makes Gase and Nagy almost look competent. Unreal. Carr? I care so little I'm not even going to bother to remind myself which team he signed with. New Orleans?
  6. Oh this should be interesting to see how Cleveland tries to spin this one. Happened after my morning commute. Will listen to radio on the way home.
  7. I will take overrated NFL players for $200 Alex
  8. My guess is the only way to make room for Hopkins was to redo White and Dawkins deals. Beane doesn’t want to do that because both of them are possible cap cuts next season. Dawkins is average at best. White didn’t look good coming off injury. If he returns to form then they have a top corner locked up on a decent contract for a few more years. If he does not then they have three guys on cheaper deals they can play and move White to safety with a new deal or outright cut him. It’s harsh but that’s the NFL with guys on large contracts coming off injury.
  9. Wow you are correct. $36M for a journeyman. Holy hell. The rest of their roster must be awful to have that kind of cap space left over.
  10. AFC South is garbage. He has a far better chance to make the playoffs with Titans than he did with the Pats. Bills and Chiefs simply did not have the cap room to compete with the teams with QBs on lesser deals. Agreed. Maybe just maybe Dorsey will figure out how to set up a screen as well
  11. Well that is a major issue in baseball. The players union is always accusing MLB owners of hiding the money when they claim small market teams lose money. MLB won't show them the books. I dont think it is the same in NFL though
  12. Yes very similar complaints which makes sense since Dorsey is just calling plays in a Daboll designed offense. The poster asked what Dorsey needed to improve on. I listed several things. Do you disagree? I was very encouraged last season when they signed Howard and it looked like they were going to retool the offense. Then that didn't happen. If Dorsey and McD can't figure out how to use Knox and Kincaid on the field together then they will struggle. Honestly with all the new pieces I would not be surprised if they struggle early. Hopefully they get better during the season. They regressed during the season last year. Of course some of that was Allen injury and the oline getting worse throughout the year. On paper this should be a top 3 offense and be able to score via run, short pass, and big play.
  13. This has to be one of Cowherd's dumbest least informed takes ever. Did Tyrod make Shady less effective? Did Wilson make Beast mode less effective? Montana and Young were both running QBs at times during their careers and the 49ers also had good rushing attacks. Historically you could make an opposite argument. Shula could be never get a run game going with Marino. Same thing with Fouts in San Diego.
  14. I know but he was still fired and at the time he was a top 4 coach in NFL history with Lombardi, Shula, and Noll.
  15. Develop a consistent rushing attack. Not rely on Allen to bail him out Decrease Allen's turnovers Convert more 3rd and short downs Play better in the red zone Replace Allen with an average QB and you would get below average results. Allen is the only reason any of them have jobs. He's the franchise savior and driver of all the success on offense.
  16. I guess anything is possible. Tom Landry was fired. Lombardi coached the Redskins before his death. Given his age and all that he has accomplished it is most likely Belichick retires on his own terms and at a time of his choosing
  17. Knox has top 5 talent. Team just lacks the commitment to use him. Hopefully Dorsey evolves.
  18. We did. He was in full cardiac arrest. Which while it is not brain death yet, it is not compatible with life. The Bills and Bengals training staffs are absolute heroes!!!! Science, education, preparation, and training saved Hamlin's life in the those critical few seconds that make the difference between full neurologic recovery or possibly never waking up.
  19. Because the media knows they don't have a star QB. All the great QBs are in the AFC now except Dak. The media will beat the drum of these mathcups between Allen, Rodgers, Burrow, Mahommes, Herbert, Lawrence, and even Wilson not to mention a few other great offenses like Miami. I think one narrative that will be interesting to see is how these ultra competitive divisions like AFC East, West, and even the North to some degree play out. There is no easy out in any of those divisions. Browns or Steelets might be the worst teams and they both have talent. Denver has a new HC and should be more competitive than they were under the moron they had last year. Pats may have the worst QB situation but they still have BB.
  20. I agree Eli is not a HOF talent but a two time SB winning QB with several highlight throws in the SuperBowl will get him in. He's probably a virtual lock. Maybe not forts ballot but doubt he waits more than one year.
  21. No non kicker special teams guy deserves HOF. But if someone does it is not Tasker. He may have been the first but like it or not Matthew Slater was best.
  22. The three most comparable players would have to be Gale Sayers, Tony Boselli, and Terrell Davis. All great talents at their time but without longevity. Luck was as impactfull as all of these players. I would argue he is a better candidate than guys like Lynn Swann or some other mediocre players that have made the HOF. That said I would not vote him in. I wouldn't have voted in Boselli or Davis either. I wouldn't have voted in Marv Levy or a number of other marginal players. One thing that will be interesting to see. Boselli and Davis retired because they couldn't play anymore. Luck simply quit. Yes he was injured a lot but he was healthy when he quit on his team. I think that will be a big negative narrative behind closed doors when they discuss him.
  23. This is a reasonable take. Before the cardiac arrest Hamlin was the better player. This coaching staff kept Johnson over Marlowe in the past so not sure how high on Marlowe they are.
  24. Hamlin is safety #4. He will make the team unless he has some residual lung injury that limits his abilities.
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