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Everything posted by RobbRiddicksTDLeap

  1. Is Gamepass worth it? My friend who I split the ticket with, got rid of DTV. So now I’m left with no way to watch live games. My son is panicking, and I don’t want to go the reddit route. Any suggestions?
  2. In fairness, CJ Mosley played tough. He was their entire defense, and it showed when he went out. The Jets are garbage. There is no way around it.
  3. True. But this is also the Jets. A garbage team, full of garbage players and coaches. Hearing anything regarding their suffering, should bring joy and elation.
  4. I think you are wrong on this. Players have the ability to opt out of the season. No one is forcing them. No fans are outside their homes, demanding that they sacrifice themselves before the people. There’s not one person in this country, that isn’t aware of the virus, and your characterization of people wanting football as some kind of backwards thinking redneck, is exactly the kind of mindset, that has allowed us to be pitted against each other during this time. As a fellow Bills fan, I want a season. I want something that resembles normal in my life. That doesn’t make me a bad person. It doesn’t make me a bad fan, and it doesn’t mean that I value human life, more or less than someone else. There is no right way out of this, but building community and strengthening bonds, can go a long way to help. Sports plays a huge part in equalizing people from different sides of issues and life. I think the absence of that, has made this past 4 months more difficult; and the continued absence will make the coming months worse.
  5. Dolly Grip in NYC. I’m actually supposed to start working on taking a stage down from a show we were on right before this all started. After that who knows. Things have returned to normal mostly out here where I live, so I’m also optimistic that things will start turning around. Like every plan, in any industry, it’s can the human beings get it done. Can people act responsibly, and do what’s best, not necessarily right. I wish that i could say I’m surprised that the kid from the Clippers got in trouble for going out. But I’m not. People make bad choices, only now, the stakes are even higher. If there is an NFL season, disciplined teams will have a clear advantage. That’s the only way out of this. Nice to meet you brother, Go Bills!
  6. It’s not simple greed. Sports plays an important role in American lives. It’s been the great equalizer among people for as long as there has been sports. People need distractions, there’s too much going on for us to remain peaceful and calm. Football gives people a chance to focus their attentions someplace else, even if it’s only for a few hours once a week. I get the feeling they recognize this, as well as the money, and will do everything they can, to give people the distraction they need and deserve. Bubbles were proposed in my industry (television production) and were quickly shut down. The logistics become a nightmare and the cost of it becomes a disincentive.
  7. Doesn’t this seem like a bad idea from a competitive point of view? Getting up to game speed both mentally and physically is what the preseason is for. Cancelling it seems like a sure fire way to have a lackluster first quarter of the season, with many many players getting muscle related injuries.
  8. Im going to assume that you are an American, or legal resident. If you’re not, sorry. The basic and simple fact that you are allowed to have this opinion, and express it openly, is what makes America special. Many European nations have laws restricting both the press, and speech. Canada has similar laws as well. America is that special, it might do you good to take your own advice, and relax. Rejoice that you live here, and be gracious for the gift that you have.
  9. By that same logic, we should do away with all things that came before the end of slavery.
  10. It’s about the enduring spirit of American freedom. The flag is a SYMBOL of that freedom. It’s not about war. Oh, say, can you see? By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming; Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air. Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there: Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave? O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In fully glory reflected now shines in the stream: 'Tis the star-spangled banner! Oh, long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! Lyrics continue below FEATURED VIDEO Last.fm's Top Pop Tracks And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and a country should leave us no more? Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution! No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Oh, thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved home and the war's desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust": And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. yes, it was written during wartime, a war being fought on newly found American soil. Invaded and defended again, with the blood and spirit of freedom and liberty. People should be taught to embrace this, the way we used to be taught, so that when the flag waves and the words are sung by 75,000 people, that spirit fills us all. That same spirit which allows for a place in the world where people can disagree, and not be persecuted for it. But pandering to the Twitter Mob is easier because people will be appeased, but never satisfied.
  11. Pandering at its finest. Classic Goodell. Remember how players were getting fined for wearing different colored sweat bands for various Cancer causes? Now we get the rainbow ribbon instead of just pink. The players should be allowed to voice their displeasure with whatever they choose, however they choose. Especially when they are raising money for a cause. This is the kind of thing that draws even greater divisions between people. The National Anthem should unify us, and serve as a reminder of all the things that make this country a true blessing. But that’s not possible, not for Roger.
  12. Like most health officials over the past few months, his predictions were based on flawed modeling, and politicized science. Fauci has no authority to postpone anything. He merely offers advice and counsel to the people that direct public health policy. All of them have been wrong from the beginning. Comparing him to “people who want to open everything up” is just a way to divide people from the facts of what we have faced as a nation since March. He’s been right and he’s been wrong, and he’s changed his opinions as frequently as everyone else. His job is to take the science and give advice to those with less knowledge. If he thinks it’s a bad idea to open up football, that’s his opinion, and he can offer it to whoever asks for it. Right or wrong.
  13. My earliest memories of watching Bills games are of my father screaming “stroke out Shula” at the TV. I learned early on in life to hate the Dolphins, Dan Marino, and the entire Dolphins Organization. What i didn’t know then, that i know now, is that greatness is often obscured by jealousy. Coach Shula set a standard that many greats since then have emulated. God speed Coach, May you rest in Power. Go Bills.
  14. That was 2 years ago, before he busted his hip and had 2 spiral surgeries on his ankles. What i said is not wrong. He was a top prospect, and the Dolphins and their front office are betting on him being healthy, staying healthy, and learning how to pick up a blitz in the NFL. Personally, i don’t see that happening.
  15. Sam Darnold was a better prospect. That’s what you said “Best prospect in 20 years”. Tu’a isn’t even the best prospect in 5 years. I’ll even say that coming out of college, Jimmy Garapalo was thought of better as a pure passer than Tu’a, but I recognize that might be a stretch. Anyone with an injury history like him, with size like him, and is left handed, is going to have a lot of strikes against him to start his pro career.
  16. That’s a wildly inaccurate statement.
  17. Very happy to see Tu’a to the Dolphins. 4 years of mediocre QB play! Go Bills!!
  18. If there are no fans, then let’s hope that there is a sufficient work around of the Direct TV exclusivity deal, and that fans can stream games, with a portion of that new revenue going to the owners.
  19. I went with Milano. I’m a Defense first guy, and the franchise has had poor LB’s for years before McBeane arrived. Milano is a good player, who can be had for a reasonable price. He’s made tremendous strides over the past 2 seasons, and does a very good job in coverage. Dawkins is a good LT, but he’s not worth what he will be looking to be paid. He has lapses of judgement that are head scratchers, and can disappear from the run game. In real, life i hope they can sign them both, as i don’t want holes to be filled anymore. I’d like some consistency that isn’t ruled by money.
  20. How much of that was the coaching? Marrone and Hackett were awful. Specifically Hackett. That scheme was predictable and did nothing to help any QB. We had to watch a basically retired Kyle Orton run whatever he could put together on the field. There was no preparation, no game plan, and zero in game adjustments. When the coach says “don’t make mistakes, or you’ll ride the pine” but gives him nothing to work with, it’s not really on the kid. EJ was raw and did himself no favors in the long run. Like I said, I’ve always wondered what would’ve happened if he had been coached by Gailey. Quick short passing concepts could have helped him gain confidence and open up the middle of the field that he was terrified to throw too. Anyway... that’s old history and EJ is out of the league by now.
  21. I always wondered what EJ Manuel could have been if they would have stuck it out with Gailey. I feel like he could have made him into a very competitive QB. Aaron Maybin will always stick out like a sore thumb to me. He was clearly the wrong pick. Eric Wood calling him out in TC is the moment when I feel like everyone knew what was going to happen. Those were some rough years.
  22. Rest in Power. Sorry for your loss. Go Bills!
  23. He stood out several times by being able to push his blocker off the line and set the edge. He didn’t seem to show much as a pass rusher, but he seems to have some ability that could be developed. Im not willing to bet the farm on his success, but he seems to have a place in the rotation.
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