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Everything posted by chongli

  1. Pre-game show starts at 2 PM.
  2. [Tweet below won't embed because of viewer sensitivity filter, but there is nothing wrong with the picture!!!] https://twitter.com/BillsMafiaHouse/status/1749108931501113452 [EDIT: here is the pic:]
  3. I paid $100 for my first car: a 1976 Buick Century Special Edition. This was 1992 though, lol! Had great tires, but I learned it needed $1,000 of work to pass inspection.
  4. Wow, lots of people have these types of stories as kids. I'm glad you saved him. I hope he was ok after.
  5. Buffalo can draft no earlier than 27.
  6. Game time for Sunday's games in Australia are 7 AM and 10:30 AM Monday. Should make Mondays in January in Australia a holiday!
  7. Well...not that old, lol! But where I grew up in Chautauqua County in the 80's, there was no Wegmans, AFAIK; just Bells, Tops, Super Duper, and A&P. I got a Whammy Weenie from Bells:
  8. Agreed. When I was growing up in WNY, there was no Tim Horton's, and Wegmans was not in Buffalo. Bells and Tops were dominant. Also, no Walmart; only Hills, Ames, K-Mart, and Zayre.
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