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Everything posted by chongli

  1. I don't think they/we were looking to shovel in any case. I just think offering just $20 is a cheap look for a premier organization. Like let's stick if to the fan as much as we can get away with. Heck, they should actually offer a free future meet and greet with some players, a tour of the stadium, or watching of practice. Now that would attract people.
  2. Of how about a $100 gift card to the Bills store? I am not shoveling only to have to spend more money at the Bills store.
  3. Maybe offer them complimentary tickets for a future game?
  4. Then increase the pay.
  5. And, to be honest, $20 is low, not much more than minimum wage. It should be $25-$30 at least.
  6. Just kick the ball with no time outs!! Didn't they see Chicago last night????
  7. No, f the Dolphins. Remember Jimmy Johnson stomping on a box of Flutie Flakes after their playoff win in 1998? Of them talking trash after they beat the Bills in the regular season in 1990?
  8. But winning equals greater profit, so the two go hand in hand.
  9. You mean Circuit City? The merger of Computer City with CompUSA predates the founding of Amazon.
  10. You say this isn't good, but then you say you have no idea if Bezos will be good?? I say it may be good for the Jets if Bezos can do for them what Steve Ballmer did for the Clippers. (Of course, this would be bad for the Bills.)
  11. You make a good point. But, also to be fair, Detroit as a city has had it better than Buffalo. The Pistons, Red Wings, and Tigers have won eight championships since the 50's, plus whatever number Michigan and Michigan State have. Whereas Buffalo has won two, by the Bills in the 60's, plus the championship from the Orangeman.
  12. I was just googling for "bears forum" and after I typed out "bears f", google auto-suggested "bears fire eberflus"....lol! 😅
  13. The OP means THE NFL Today will be broadcasting live in Detroit for the Bills at Lions in a few weeks. He asked how many Bills fans vs. Detroit will be in the shots they show. He said the crew called out Bills fans today at the Chicago-Detroit game.
  14. I am not one-hundred percent sure if the all caps and all small letters for teams is home and away, since Buffalo would be wrong too (but I see he did edit his post for KC).
  15. They did wear blue on white for the 1990 game vs LA, but that was navy blue. The OP's post refers only to the color combo since navy blue.
  16. And blue on blue or white on white isn't?
  17. You indeed did! Here is the post:
  18. Pro Bowl? Is that still a thing? At least it has meaning(somewhat) in the NBA, MLB, and NHL.
  19. A brief summary of the story in 10 tweets (I am not going to post all 10 tweets here): Agreed about the comment. Here is the celebration pic. Kind of weird, sort of funny.
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