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Everything posted by chongli

  1. For some strange reason, this post made me burst out laughing. EDIT: A minute later and I'm still laughing.
  2. Thanks for this info. I did not know that about Jacksonville. The same is true with San Francisco (I used to live there). The city itself is considered a county. But the 49ers play in Santa Clara, next to San Jose, which is an hour away from SF. Both cities are over 900,000 population-wise. [You actually could call the 49ers the "San Jose 49ers", like the NHL San Jose Sharks, lol] Then you can also include Oakland, 10 minutes away, across the bridge from San Francisco, which has around 400,000 people. Each of the three cities has their own pro teams. And then to complicate matters even further, the NBA's Golden State Warriors moved from Oakland to SF a few years ago. Green Bay is so lucky they have the support of the entire state, including Milwaukee, even though Milwaukee is much closer to Chicago. The same can't be said of Buffalo. They don't even have all of upstate NY, thanks to Albany being Giants fans.
  3. Your post made me go look up the size of NFL cities/markets. I was quite surprised one site listed New Orleans as smaller than Buffalo! Also surprised that Pittsburgh is bigger than 10 NFL markets: Charlotte Cincinnati Las Vegas Kansas City Indianapolis Nashville Jacksonville Buffalo New Orleans Green Bay This above is according to a Packer's wiki: https://packers.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_NFL_cities_by_number_of_major_professional_sports_franchises This list doesn't jibe with largest US cities by population (where Jacksonville is the 13th biggest city, for example but 29 of 32 on the Packer's wiki list above): https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities So I am not sure how their totals were comprised. Maybe market size instead of city population. I don't have the time to do all the research. But, I have to agree, Pittsburgh is small, by any numbers, and they are lucky to have that franchise.
  4. Under today's rules, where there is no preventing two teams in the same division from playing in the divisionals, #3 Buffalo would have gone to #2 Cleveland instead of #1 San Diego. #1 San Diego would have hosted the Wild Card winner #4 Oakland. I think Buffalo would have had an easier time against Cleveland, and then would have hosted Oakland. (BTW, all three AFC division winners that year had identical 11-5 records, and Buffalo had beaten San Diego in the regular season as well. I'm still smarting they didn't get to host San Diego.) Also, as I stated in another of Chandler#81's threads, I have the full videos of the Bills at Chargers in the playoffs that year, but YT won't let me upload them since the NFL completely bans them, even if directly viewed on their YT channel. I'm pretty annoyed by this because there are no videos online of that game.
  5. This video brings back awesome memories! This is the game where retired safety Bill Simpson, who was sitting in the stands that game as a fan, was convinced to come out of retirement and join the Bills, who had just lost both starting safeties to injury (Rod Kush and Jeff Nixon): https://www.nytimes.com/1981/12/25/sports/simpson-of-bills-valuable-retread.html "The Bills won the game but lost their starting safeties, Jeff Nixon and Rod Kush, because of knee injuries. Afterward Simpson dropped by the Buffalo locker room to say hello to the coaches - Chuck Knox, Tom Catlin and Jim Wagstaff - for whom he had played in Los Angeles. Wagstaff, the defensive backfield coach, looked him over like a butcher at a cattle auction . ''You ready to come back?'' he said. Wagstaff had to be joking. Simpson had last played for the Rams 21 months before. After that had come the last knee operation and a failed physical examination in 1979 that led to an official retirement. ''Let's not even talk about it,'' he said. At midnight the telephone rang at his home in Garden Grove, Calif. It was Wagstaff in Buffalo. ''I need you, you know our system, how do feel physically?'' Wagstaff said in one breath. [...] Even though his knees felt fine after almost two years away from football, Simpson agonized. ''I was out of the game and happy in another profession,'' he said. ''I wasn't itching to get back, waiting for a phone call.'' But the job could be put on hold, and his wife and friends approved. So Simpson went to Buffalo, reporting Wednesday and starting Sunday, when he intercepted a Baltimore pass."
  6. Some of the things I (try to) live by: Prepare for the worst, but expect the best. Let's just take it a game at a time. Expect the unexpected. Don't take any opponent lightly. Don't become too emotionally involved where your week is ruined after a loss. Have balance in your life.
  7. Maybe this is why @Gugny never got a card from @Chandler#81?!
  8. Nah, they won the World Series and NBA Championship a few years back. More than Buffalo (so far). They're good
  9. Expectations were big in 1990, but not like this. I remember Thurman had "Tampa" written on his clears during TC (the site of SB XV). Sure enough, the Bills went there and were favored to beat the Giants.
  10. Hey. no problem I'm sorry they wouldn't post. YouTube must have somehow marked them as banned videos, lol. [If anyone has any ideas how to actually post them without drawing the NFL's ire, let me know!]
  11. Yeah, I guess times have changed. I'm ok now...Jim appears so happy in that pic, and TB signed some items for his foundations. I hate to admit it, but I would have probably done the same if I were Jim. [And now that I compare the two pics of TB and Wood side by side on my computer, I can see a difference.]
  12. Haha, it's all good. Yeah, I guess I'm old school. For example, they say Magic and Bird hated each other back in the day and would never socialize before the game. (But that didn't stop Magic from coming to the Garden for Bird's retirement ceremony). So in all seriousness I suppose it's ok they hugged, but I wouldn't want to publicize it, lol. And re the bad with faces, I haven't seen too many pics of Wood to really recognize him, but I am seriously super bad at spotting people. I would be the first to admit that.
  13. Yep, as BUFFALOBART said, I thought it was TB, lol, especially with his known penchant of going to the Derby. I still think it looks like him (the height looks right), but I guess the hat threw me off (and I'm used to seeing Wood in a helmet and pads, lol). ------- EDIT: I should have known JK would have had the common sense never to take a picture with the enemy!
  14. Ok...I have to admit your jacket does look nice. I love the red front!
  15. Ok, I am an idiot. I said I was bad with faces. See?! Haha. I thought that was someone else. He looked a little slim to be Eric Wood, but I guess he has lost weight since his playing days.
  16. Never mind my post below: So your post made me look around Jim Kelly's instagram. I know I am bad with faces, and I am glad Jim had a good time at the Kentucky Derby, but please tell me Jim didn't take a pic with him: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdRp3SwM-8A/
  17. Seriously...who is desperate enough to buy USFL gear, especially Birmingham? Of note: The former Birmingham team beat Jim Kelly's Houston Gamblers in the quarterfinals in 1985.
  18. Booooo! I have hated Starter jackets ever since Emmitt Smith started advertising for them in the early 90's:
  19. Thank you! You are a very responsive and helpful administrator. And I might add, this forum looks and functions better than any other I have seen in any subject (and I have been to a lot).
  20. I assumed the site owner (you) is a busy person, and I hesitated to bother you about such things. Also, others had reported the blocking of twitter links had been going on for a while, so I assumed it was a known issue and didn't want to contact a moderator. Yeah, I too was worried from that message that I had been banned due to trying to post a twitter link, lol.
  21. I know you were joking, but I tried to post a titter link from Two Bills Drive, but it was blocked. It said:
  22. Not sure if this is being discussed elsewhere, but I just tried to paste a Twitter link in this thread, both as normal and as plain text, and got this message: It goes on to say your access to this site has been limited/blocked, and to contact the site owner for help.
  23. Hey SoMAn, thanks for all the good advice! When I had DTV, that was years ago when I live in Pennsylvania, by Philadelphia. We had our share of rain and windstorms. The outage I referred to was during a storm. It's good that you live in a good area for satellite. I've long since moved (multiple times) and don't even have cable TV anymore. It's all computer now. But your post was much appreciated.
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