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Everything posted by mbs

  1. My favorite part about football is that questions like this have no meaningful answers. Apart from Left Guard vs. Right Guard, how many positions are really comparable? Which is harder, left tackle or slot receiver? It's like comparing insurance adjusters to veterinarians.
  2. The details, explained: 2021 highway robbery 2022 still a steal 2023 ouch, but worth it 2024 not a bad value 2025 good value 2026 great value 2027 Josh really helping his team here 2028 Why yes, we do have room for all the great free agents.
  3. As a fan, I can't help but feel bad for each and every one of these potential Joe Montanas who endured a substandard left or right guard, a lack of talent at slot receiver, predictable play calling, a weak running game, and/or no help from their defense.
  4. I had watched every "all the throws/runs" for Darnold, Rosen, and Jackson plus most of them for Baker and some for Rudolph. I didn't bother watching Allen because the numbers nerds convinced me he was terrible. I might have yelled a bad word at high volume when he was drafted. Then I watched his video and I could at least see what the team was seeing (some truly great stuff with too much sloppy). But it wasn't until YardsPerPass on twitter suggested watching Allen's film and then (re)watching any of the others to compare what Allen had to deal with. It was the best football fan depression cure I ever got. I slept just fine after that. (Of course, it was maybe four in the morning at that point.) I'm a homer so I quickly came around and expected him to work out, though I never expected the loft and touch pass to happen. As it has, I could not be happier.
  5. I was impressed with him at Louisville. He had a bunch of drops and, like Allen, his bad throws were really bad. But the vision he has in his run game was present in the passing game too. Where he could lead a guy deep or shallow he chose the best leverage every time. And most of his passes weren't just good, they were pinpoint. I don't know if it's a lack of NFL arm strength or Roman, but even in his MVP season, I was disappointed. I'd love to see him in an offense with a shorter passing game to see him hit some shallow stuff in stride. But even with his Roman-limited NFL tape, it's pretty clear, he's never going to be a top end passer.
  6. I mean he's lizard people flat earth crazy, so I just don't know! Well, okay, not really. I don't see it happening either. I just like the guy.
  7. He grew up a Bills fan and he's insane. (I'm skeptical, but I'd love to see him back to replace Roberts and/or McKenzie.)
  8. 11/16=69% They shifted a half million to next year.
  9. That has nothing to do with anything. He is set to earn 7m regardless. If his playing time bonus is over 11 games, then it will be hit against next years cap because he didn't do that last year so it's "unlikely to be earned." Had he played all 16 last year, they would have to pay out* the bonus now because "likely to be earned" is leveled against the current cap. Everyone expects him to finish the season. It has nothing to do with expecting him to play fewer games to save money. * edit: they would have to count it against the cap now, not pay it out. https://frontofficenfl.com/2020/05/25/2020-nfl-cba-explained-contract-incentives-ltbe-nltbe/
  10. Well I was looking for clarification. According to SalC, the deal includes playing time bonuses. If the playing time exceeds 11 games, they will be billed next year. But I'm not sure that "not likely to be earned" is based solely on previous year or on some sort of average.
  11. They are assuming he will earn the bonus by playing all the games. They just want to push some of the money into next years cap. You are hung up on the language of "not likely to be earned." That is a term which refers to previous performance, it's not a judgement call. We all think he's likely to earn the bonus.
  12. Both they and he expect him to play more than 12. That's why this works. If they pay him 9m + signing, that's two mill less to work with this year. If they make it contingent on something he failed to do last year, then they don't have to pay till next year. "Not likely to be earned" is some sort of nfl speak for didn't do it last year.
  13. I mean say he gets 7 this year with a significant bonus if he starts 12 games (or some corresponding number of snaps or tackles). Since he started 11? last year, that bonus is "not likely to be earned" and thus would be accounted for in the next season when they presumably have much more money. That way they can add more ramp-up to his year over year which I think is otherwise limited. (LIke you can't pay min one year 20 mill the next.) I was on the fence about him at 11m (11-12 happy whatever they did) but this deal looks really good to me regardless of the bonus structure.
  14. Since he missed five games, one of his bonuses could be a not likely to be earned bonus for "plays twelve games." That could mean his seven might be nine for this stunted cap year, but with two of those paid in the next cap season.
  15. Josh is gonna lose the mvp to this Heineke dude.
  16. The nfl got rid of the awful going to ground rule i think the the same year Riveron took over. Went from competent enforcement of a bad rule to magic eight ball enforcement of everything. Riverton is awful and the change was palpable. He needed to go a long time ago.
  17. This is just lazy. The point of the thread is to provide answers not get them. To wit: Beasley has a medial or anterior hyperextension or partial tear of something medical and doctory. This is a week to week injury that typically requires several hours of rehab maybe more.
  18. "Who brings five of his shirts for strippers?" A guy who regrets not bringing a few more shirts.
  19. @Zerovoltz was setting the record straight in that Broncos fan Josh Allen thread. He's absolutely killing it. I think he starts here: https://www.orangemane.com/forum/orange-mane-discussion/orange-mane-central-discussion/2720603-josh-allen/page5 Seriously, I can't think of very many people who aren't bills fans and aren't paid to cover the bills with that kind of knowledge. Like not even Simms.
  20. The Bills are easily the better team, one of the best in football, they should win and it shouldn't be close. If they do drop the game it's not a big deal, those things happen . . . wait . . . what the heck? Is this feeling normal for fans of good teams? Let me try this again. If Denver pulls off an upset it doesn't mean this whole season is a dream. EEK! I just typed that and it sounds right.
  21. In the scheme of things, aren't we all just random dudes from Ireland? I noticed Cian back when he thought Tyrod was a top ten QB. It took me years to figure out that both Tyrod and Cian are trash.
  22. I think the ball is spotted at the point at which it crosses the boundary. His feet were in bounds but the ball crossed over the boundary before it passed the sticks.
  23. Practically no injuries except to Phillips last year which affects our perception this year. Not so this year, plus we face a really tough schedule. So Bean goes from master of witchcraft to pretty good at card tricks. Oliver is an undersized DT who has been asked to shade center with a bum knee. I think he's performed admirably considering. I fully expect by game four of next year he will be considered the defense's Josh Allen. I also think Edmunds looked bad because not just because of injury but because of what the heck ever was wrong with the defense generally and here you can add Taron Johnson as a 4th rounder who flashed early in his career and seems to have recovered a bit lately. Phillips looked promising pre-injury and might just need a few dozen more leg days to get back to form. Late last week was the first time since Kromer that even my untrained eyes caught the line pulling heavies and pointing them downfield. It was awesome and it made our pair of third rounder RBs look like, well, pretty good lower second rounders. Yay. I'm not super optimistic about Ford, but if he becomes a starter at guard, I'm not sure it's worth complaining about (okay, DK would have been awesome.) At least some of the above excuses are totally legitimate explanations.
  24. I think the Patriot way really means have a very smart head coach and have competent assistants. Apart from Ernie and Scarneccia, I doubt BB regards anyone else in the recent history of the organization as a peer. Maybe McDaniels is worth something given Bill's efforts to retain him but the rest are trained bicycle riding bears. Well, I think Flores does seem to be an another exception. I don't know if he's great but he pretty clearly isn't terrible.
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