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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Hang in there Merica! Red Cross is doing all it can! #MericaStrong!
  2. You’re right, I should just listen to you Trumptards for my info. No fake news there!
  3. I guess we will never know.....because of that lying sack of *****.
  4. ***** you are lame......
  5. Sure, right after I read Trumps.
  6. Oh look.....all the Trumptards have come out to attack again. Get back in you holes losers! Answer the question jerks!
  7. People are followers. and stupid!
  8. That’s a very good point. She wasn’t believable because she was considered a loose moose.
  9. It was never proven in court that I did anything inappropriate to that Moose!
  10. You know they are monitoring you, right?
  11. I see I have found where all the whiny B word es hang out. My goodness you clowns are losers!
  12. Stay safe my Merican friends during this devastating national emergency! #MericaStrong!
  13. Lame! Can’t wait for “I know you are, but what am I?” You changed your name, but you still suck at this.
  14. Oh look, NYI with a 3-0 win. Fans must hate that style of play.
  15. I don’t disagree.
  16. You keep saying that.
  17. As long as it’s shaved! It’s not that cold!
  18. I thought you were ok with lies?
  19. I’m guessing a few dudes around here aren’t getting any “pie.” ?
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