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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. You seem to have quite the collection of Justin pics. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  2. You sound like you rinse with Trump's jizz.
  3. He's a douche too. Not on a Trump scale of douchery, (who really is?) but still a douche. Is he going to get the "bikers" to protect the border?
  4. The big one is coming!
  5. I hope you guys are all still safe during this national emergency! Stay safe my friends. #mericastrong!
  6. Cross checking is a penalty. Players do all kinds of illegal stuff and game, doesn’t mean it’s not a penalty.
  7. That's quite the nervous laugh you have going today.
  8. Well ladies, I would love to stay and mess with you losers some more, but I leave for Whistler in an hour or so! See you tards in a week or so! Happy family day!
  9. Why don’t you two get a room?
  10. Because they haven’t figured out how to transport multiple shipping containers across the desert on a daily basis, but yeah, continue to fall for the BS.
  11. Is that where he the priest puts his dick in you?
  12. Just reach between your legs!
  13. You have a c u n t don’t you!
  14. I hate Obama as well, but this shows that you are Trumptard. Nice try. Keep chasing that laser!
  15. Still in the very early stages of the rebuild. Lol enough said. ? Are you employed by the team?
  16. Sounds like a certain President!
  17. So..... they are right where you said they would be 3 years ago?
  18. Doesn’t mean she didn’t “peg” you!
  19. That’s what your wife said!
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