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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. So nothing, once again? You are an embarrassment....even for a Merican......and that’s really saying something! Can you imagine if Canadians had to play for Canadian teams. You losers would never win another cup!
  2. It’s Canuck dorkstick and we don’t concede defeat, we keep swinging!
  3. Brilliant! That should get some laughs from the cult! Lame!
  4. Hilarious that you clowns make fun of anyone.
  5. Yep. Same SDS. Maybe because this is primarily a football site, so he lets some stuff slide? Not sure?
  6. You guys all skip dinner today? Swallowing Donald’s load keeps yah all full eh!
  7. So nothing? Zip it then. You guys are still jerking off to something that happened in 1980.
  8. Show me an American team that has won the cup without major contributions from multiple Canadians?
  9. Careful fellas!
  10. It’s been a better season than that. It’s not like they are in 31st spot.
  11. You don’t hurt the Leafs if Marner doesn’t sign the offer. He’s not going anywhere. Just like nylander and Matthews.
  12. It was probably a Merican.
  13. Hmm I seem to recall Team Canada winning many, many times? You can keep the undesirables, they fit right in with Mericans!
  14. Surely you can do better? Maybe not.
  15. Overcompensating for being great? Sure.
  16. Countries don’t win Stanley cups. Teams do. Teams with more Canadians (most of the time)than any other country on them. Moron! I see you didn’t mention world cups or juniors or olympics for hockey? Hmmmm. You sound like Trump trying to put a spin on everything when everyone knows you are a liar. Thanks for playing dicklicker! Now go tell your wife that it’s 6 inches when she knows better.
  17. Once again dumb ass.....Cup winning teams are loaded with Canadians. World cups, world juniors, Olympics......we are #1 in the world in hockey. The cup spends plenty of time in Canada every summer when players get to take it home. #1 B word!
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