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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Hey princess, I didn’t sleep very well last night either.
  2. Hi. Are you a Trumptard as well as a re.tard? Cause you make no sense. Wait......are you Trump?
  3. Kitty KGB! As if anyone needs Acosta to tell them that Trump is a despicable douche! Trump's own words are plenty.
  4. Go stand on the corner!
  5. Trump stops paying off women and diverts the money?
  6. Because it’s a complete load of horseshit. Trump cares about the Trump brand and the Trump brand only. Replace the names of everyone he says is bad with “Trump Inc” and it makes more sense.
  7. Ladies and gentlemen.....your president! Absolute douchebag!
  8. All those people are not the President. They don’t need to act presidential.
  9. Good to know! I like lesbians.
  10. Just turned 49. Not even close to old yet.
  11. This is fun! But, have to take my dog for a walk now (he won't stop staring at me.) I will ***** with you clowns later!
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