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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. I’m not Canadian! You folks have been trolled! ?. I noticed you all apparently had a hate on for Canadians so I messed with you for a bit. Most of my comments were nowhere near my actual opinions, but part of the act. I do think some of you need serious help though! ? Over and out! Cheers mates!
  2. I will buy you a beer sometime if you can guess it? (KGB, you can't answer!) Go!
  3. You wish chump! Not everyone had the same experiences you did. Had the “C” on my jersey. Was a leader and wouldn’t ever disrespect anyone back then, ever the dweebs like you.
  4. I knew you were all a bunch of kitties down here. You should get used to this kind of disrespect. Trump promotes it! The future is bright *****tards!
  5. Easy, he just posted a selfie. Not that big of a deal.
  6. So pony boy did you go for it?
  7. I think selfies are against the rules? Deciding whether to do ass to mouth?
  8. Dude, you can’t even spell Bills properly.
  9. Yeah it’s been about an island where famous people go to bang kids and eat them afterwards.
  10. ? Where do you think the money to pay for it comes from? Tax payers. You have 10x the tax payers.
  11. Shittycare? Yeah sucks to wait 4 hours in emerg to get fixed up for free. Had to wait 4 days once to get an mri. Have a heart attack - no wait. And if you need a stent put in? Same day or next at the latest. Cancer diagnosis? Into the cancer centre the next week. Yeah if you have an elective surgery for say a shoulder, yeah you could wait months because it’s not a priority, but chances are you were putting up with that bad shoulder for a while already. Not sure where these people live who you get your info from but I haven’t experienced any of the issues people talk about. And defense? Who are you protecting us from? All those countries wanting to attack Canada ?. The only danger we have is living next to the crackhouse!
  12. ? actually it was to divert all the money Trump pays off women with. Figure that should do it. ?
  13. You didn’t like my answer?
  14. Wasn’t intended to “help” you. I have no regrets.
  15. At least you are consistent. Batschitt crazy, but consistent!
  16. ? Actually he reminded me of some of the nutbars here. And Donnie boy!
  17. That’s what you said before and then you replied to me like the little B word that you are. Cuddle your Teddy bear when you cry yourself to sleep tonight!
  18. I slept GREAT! The greatest ever. Never before has anyone ever slept so great. This will go down as the greatest sleep in history!
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