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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Yes, that’s my wife. She lets me ***** her face. You wish you could bang her instead of your trump blowup doll. At least my wife washes her own rolls when I drop a load in them. You have to wash Donald yourself.
  2. Walking with my wife.
  3. When is the key. And at the wrong time, yes!
  4. And the drunk guy I saw in the park last night was actually an undercover cop. No wait, he died this morning, so I guess he wasn’t. Stop trying to make excuses for the moron by assuming it’s all part of the plan!
  5. Lol yeah ok. That was a routine block attempt that happens 30 times a game. No one injured him, he landed awkwardly. Not as awkward as your take on this though. You sound like a 12 year old who’s parents took away his play station. Hope you get it back soon!
  6. Hmmm, I thought this was the new way of doing things. Seems to work for our president.
  7. If you do stop to piss, make sure you pull up your skirt all the way so it doesn’t touch the seat. Oh, and don’t go on Monday, there is a big parade!
  8. Sorry, didn’t catch that, but didn’t mean for negative tone!
  9. Big deal. At least they have won.
  10. Lots of sour grapes here.
  11. 33 doesn’t even watch hockey
  12. You are Mr. BK, so I ignore anything you say about McDonald’s because you can’t be objective.
  13. Ok, obviously we need to set an age requirement to start threads.
  14. Whatever tough guy. Nerd alert! All those atomic wedgies in school turned you into DC Tammy! CNN is all Trump, all the time! People are sick of Trump. Ratings make sense.
  15. Most times he has said..... -the greatest ever. -the most ever. -never before. -of all time. -we have ever seen. -the biggest. -unprecedented (although I doubt he could even pronounce it properly) -the goodest -bigly If he’s answering a question, he’s likely lying.
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