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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. You guys love guns. Would you be ok with abortions, if they shot the kids? Seems like a decent compromise? I mean you apparently have no problem with all the other innocent lives lost as being collateral damage.
  2. Saying stupid stuff all of the time is apparently now a prerequisite of being POTUS.
  3. Sorry re tard Robbie, I don’t do Twitter or Facebook. I come here for a good laugh at the cult every now and then. I don’t live here.
  4. Look all the cult is here for a meeting! Losers!
  5. “Look at the likes!” Ha ha you ***** idiot twitterboy. You spend your entire life here, Twitter and Facebook, don’t you. One day a girl will talk to you (besides your mom)
  6. The name of the game has been changed to Trump. Same meaning, just updated for today’s reality.
  7. Actually, I would love to see Walmart start selling grenades and maybe even nukes. Why not?
  8. I will be too busy working for you to golf.
  9. If he’s talking or texting, he’s lying.
  10. The United States government killed them all.
  11. How’s that wall coming along?
  12. So the people who think there is a trump/Russia angle to explore are trumptards?
  13. Not triggered at all. In fact my view of the Rockies right now is amazingly relaxing. Just call em as I see em. Thanks for your concern!
  14. Sheep. Loser. ######. Loner. I await your “I know your are but what am I.” ######= re tard
  15. Sorry can’t use comments from Facebook, Twitter is the preferred news source here.
  16. I am on vacation in Rockies and walked by a guy yesterday wearing a “I Love Wikileaks” t-shirt. I laughed, his response, “Go Bills!” (I was wearing a Bills hat)
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