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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Funny how the “other side” is always set in their ways.
  2. ? Hahahahahha you want the elite to be held accountable, yet you support Trump.
  3. Sounds familiar. Could her and dbag Donnie share a jail cell?
  4. Grabbin kitty is ok these days, don’t you remember?
  5. BS! The second kind turns a blind eye to anything Trump does that is questionable. Plenty of facts have come out over the years to know that he’s a scumbag. But, so are many of his followers.
  6. JT may as well bang her. I doubt dbag Donnie is allowed to hit that anymore.
  7. Napa is where all the gays go?
  8. He's a douche and they portray him as one. What's the problem pussies?
  9. He made some dumb mistakes and has apologized for them. Can you imagine if our leader apologized for every mistake? ***** he wouldn't have time to golf or assault chicks he would be so busy.
  10. Still no friends......sad for you.
  11. Trump would have been called a hero!
  12. Like Trump? Act like a douche, get portrayed as one.
  13. Hey hedge can you pull your dick out of your dad’s ass and bang your sister again. She misses it.
  14. Everyone is making fun of you, but that has happened all of your life, so you don’t notice. I actually feel sorry for you. LDL.
  15. Your first sentence was enough.
  16. Who cares about abortion. They are likely to be shot and killed before voting anyway.
  17. Yeah because he’s a lying piece of garbage with everything to hide.
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