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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Because they are doing their jobs! How dare they question the president!
  2. No, it’s really under control. Probably down to zero cases in few days!
  3. Every thing he does, he does it better than anyone ever before. Nobody knows doing a very good job like Trump does! Never before has anyone ever done such a very good job!
  4. That’s not how spelling works.
  5. Trump is a narcissistic attention *****. People are going to call you out on ***** you say. He just gets pissed off and says “I never said that” when he did say that. Serial liar! He should just have Pence talk. He’s a much better speaker.
  6. Who’s the blonde plant asking the questions about media? Plenty of manners and social graces when dealing with decent people.
  7. How long have you been saying that?
  8. Sorry dude, haven’t lived with my parents since I was 17 and that was a long, long time ago! Very innovative though!
  9. Snowflake! Nope. It’s all about ratings, no matter how he frames it.
  10. Yeah! Need more pandemics! Awesome for what’s important to him, ratings. ***** dork.
  11. Gotta head out and add some more wood to the smoker. Hope to see you all at Easter Mass! Cheers!
  12. Oh ######rob, you still think you know where I am from. Wrong. I have never even heard of that creek. Believe me, plenty of great fishing for me!
  13. *****! His briefings are pure comedy!
  14. I do and I laugh. Then I go back to laughing at you! Must be down to zero cases by now? Or will that coincide with Mexico paying for the “wall?”
  15. Why does this thread exist? Must be at zero cases by now?
  16. Oh, that’s right, I’m going to be bankrupt by 55? ???
  17. Why? ? I didn’t sell to the mob. This group could ride this out for 20 years and not blink. It’s all good!
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