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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Oh yeah! I hear he is in such demand that people are kicking his door down!
  2. Just ignore Jim. He’s actually the chef from muppets. He knows more about everyone else’s jobs than they do. Well, actually he’s not even a chef anymore. After failing at that, he’s moved on to giving people advice on what to do with their money! ??? Soon he will be a real estate salesman in Oakland. Just double check the neighborhood yourself before purchasing from him!!! ???
  3. I thought all of the nutbars were here. Apparently they are protesting as well and they have no idea what 6 feet is! ??? Good luck losers!
  4. Interesting, not one Trump sound bite and none of his tweets. Hmmm, is that because he would look stupid saying the things that he said? I thought he was pleased with China and their efforts and transparency? Even thanked them on behalf of the American people. How about the “original 15?” Well I guess you can’t really worry about 15 because everyone was getting better and it would be down to zero, so no biggie! It’s under control!
  5. Just click on my username and then.....
  6. That’s what you take from that video? Wow.
  7. ? I tried to “unlike” it, but it wouldn’t let me. My apologies! ?
  8. Are there enough N95 masks available for all healthcare workers and grocery store workers?
  9. You really think the people blaming Trump for Covid deaths aren’t using those deaths to push an agenda? You really think the people blaming Trump for Covid deaths aren’t using those deaths to push an agenda?
  10. If someone is placing blame on Trump or Cuomo for slow response to the virus and in turn causing deaths, aren’t they doing the same?
  11. Oh, he was inferring! ???
  12. Didn’t you make a comment about the deaths only being 1/6th of H1N1 deaths at one point?
  13. If he so chooses. Isn’t anyone placing blame on covid deaths doing the same?
  14. Big ***** deal. People around here do it all the time. *****, they even applaud people’s deaths in RIP threads. Poor baby!
  15. Jesus ***** Christ you are a 10 year old. How do you even have internet access?
  16. It’s “smoker Sunday” so I will give you lickers a break today as I drink beer and cook. I have convinced my wife that you have to pay close attention to the smoker and that requires refreshments! Cheers!
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