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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Thanks for the advice! It really means a lot coming from you!
  2. I really don’t care about your personal life.
  3. Nobody cares 3rdnwrong!
  4. Oh look, he doesn’t kiss Dr.Trump’s ass so the hate is starting. You had no idea who he was when this started.
  5. Morning re tard Rob! Still off by about 2000 miles. Try again!
  6. You really think Joe is going to have to deal with NK?
  7. Big deal, Trump knows how to handle women.
  8. No, “once again” because Trump has said 100 times that he would release his taxes and hasn’t. But, he’s a lying sack of *****, so that’s expected. Surely the wall has long been completed, so we must be building one up north by now?
  9. And who are you presenting this case to? A bunch losers on a sub forum of a football site? Oh, they already knew he was running away with his tail between his legs! ???
  10. Like I said, move along fake news! ?
  11. Show me where I said he said it “over and over again,” or move along fake news!
  12. Joey Bossa has songs?
  13. ??? Love when people call someone an idiot and use “your.” That’s goodly!
  14. Obviously a Trumptard. No one else would be that dumb. Dr.Trump had better be careful, he could cost himself some votes!
  15. Would you be defending Biden if he said the exact same thing? Yes or no?
  16. You guys are so full of *****. If sleepy Joe said this, you would be all over it. So dishonest.
  17. And stop with the player profile videos when the next pick is in!
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