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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Nope! Livin’ free!
  2. Um, it’s in the pictures or is that invisible too? I’m not in lockdown.
  3. So, you are not sure. So, it’s possible that he/she is actually not obsessed?
  4. Thank you for answering, but are you really qualified to diagnose obsessions?
  5. What makes you feel that way?
  6. You mean like not wearing one is?
  7. ??? That’s the real reason you have a problem with it! ???
  8. Don’t waste your time. He knows everything, yet his mental illness requires him to keep asking stupid questions just to prove he is “right.” ???
  9. “I'm surprised I'm not dead yet.” The mask isn’t just for you!
  10. It doesn’t. Where I put it on is irrelevant.
  11. I put mine on in my vehicle. It’s not just about you. Actually, if you must know, metal is my preference.
  12. If you are going into Walmart, would you wait until you get inside to put them on?
  13. Like I said. Don’t care.
  14. Garbage pop-rock band. I don’t really care if you agree. That’s good enough for me!
  15. Well, you ask a lot of stupid questions. If you are going to ask them, at least get them right.
  16. I answered the first one with “none of your business.” Then asked “who is thar” in reply to your second question. This is really not that hard.
  17. You asked 2 questions. Are you new to how this works? Go back and read (again)
  18. Seriously! None of your business, but either way, it’s my choice. Who is thar?
  19. You’re a bigger creep than Boyst. Get help you *****kng scumbag! With good reason!
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