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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. I can’t wait for that fat bastard to claim voter fraud. I’m going to throw him a cheeseburger party to cheer him up!
  2. Nope, apparently you are still scared.
  3. Wow, you clowns must really be worried! Triggered!!!!!!
  4. You would think that ***** moron would just shut up, but he needs the attention.
  5. I know I have called you r-tardrob often, but I am actually starting to think you might be r-tarded.
  6. I love how Trump says any woman who stands up to him is “nasty.” This is going to be fun!
  7. So you replied 3 hours ago, passed out and woke up and then “reacted” to the same post? Day drinking is not healthy dude!
  8. Are you always drunk?
  9. I have never been in any jail, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express once.
  10. The president is a sexual predator. (If we are doing but, but, Obama today)
  11. Couldn’t you just get one of those big cranes with the cradle the use to lift up whales?
  12. Look. Another but, but, Obama!
  13. The “basement boys cult” lives on!
  14. Look at all the dbags making derogatory comments about her, just because she’s a woman. Your wives must be proud. Oh, wait! Losers!
  15. Excellent choice!
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