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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Wait, people actually deny it happened? That’s a whole new stupid, even for this place!
  2. Morning princess!
  3. Today is the day that Mexico cuts the check!
  4. Clown can barley put together a complete sentence, even when it’s written for him!!! ? sounds like he has a dick in his mouth. Probably DR’s.
  5. Deranged Rhino spanks to this daily. I hear he has a micro penis like tiny trump.
  6. You are so clever. Do you get that from swallowing Trump’s golden load?
  7. I am going to hang out just to ***** with you. Game on *****!!! You will block me before I go away. Or you will stop responding, which also means I am in YOUR head!
  8. You will block me! Then we will see who’s living rent free Trumptard.
  9. If you are worried about people having to read drivel, then why do you post at all?
  10. I have no idea who you are replying to? Maybe you could figure out the quote feature you ***** retard!
  11. Maybe they could just use your waistline for the wall?
  12. Trump. Nuff said d ick licker!
  13. Lol you ***** loser talking about any leader, when your’s is a clown loser (like you) You spank it to Donald’s combover!!!! And cry after you blow your load!
  14. You have first hand knowledge eh!
  15. Using D-bag limp dick Donald as your example is so stupid it’s almost American! ?????? moron!
  16. ***** you guys are dumb.
  17. America is great at keeping the war machine chugging along and murdering people. Congrats!!!! keep shooting each other! After all you have to protect yourself from your own government! Tards!
  18. You clueless *****! Funny, the world loves Canada and Canadians, so a comment like that from a dbag American (who the world hates) is laughable.
  19. I guess you guys ***** up then!!! Canada rocks!
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