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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. Has giant pumpkin head done anything yet today to save the world?
  2. Good morning fuktards!
  3. Can we talk about JP Losman next?
  4. “Trump just ruined the media’s week.” How did “Trump” do this?
  5. ? So you are giving Trump credit for the stock market. So typical. When I goes up it’s Trump, when I goes down, it’s someone else. The only thing Trump did was leave the country, so he may have helped a little.
  6. And again!!!! You are on fire!!
  7. ? You comment on jokes getting old with your well used go to comment! Brilliant!
  8. Lol. And there it is!!!! ?
  9. Is that Trump’s wiener?
  10. Well they don’t have much experience flying him into an active war zone.
  11. They don’t fly him to golf courses?
  12. I wasn’t around for all your battles with people over your theories, but I can understand why they would challenge you. You do kinda sound batschit crazy!
  13. Please, this is a well oiled machine when it comes to trips. Plenty of practice getting him on the golf course!
  14. Holy *****, Trump hasn’t tweeted in 17 hours? Something must be seriously wrong with him. I hope he’s ok!
  15. Happy start of WJHC day!
  16. Can’t wait for Trump’s tweets taking credit for any rebound in the market! He’s the greatest ever!
  17. Trump is sitting at his desk right now putting the deal together.
  18. That’s a long contract.
  19. Donald Trump. Nuff said.
  20. How long have you been wheating to use that one?
  21. I did in hops that you would pick up on it.
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