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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. US president Donald Trump trashes everyone who he doesn’t agree with. He is the greatest embarrassment ever. Never has there been a greater embarrassment. But he is American, so you have to cut him some slack. It’s Canadiens dorkstick!
  2. I never asked you to explain yourself. Just so you know, when someone comes down to the depths of PPP, there are a few members who use PM to warn of what’s down here. I treat everyone the same down here. I think you are all d-bags! Edit: We have met before. You were surprised you had to look up at me.
  3. 3rdnlng, party of one. 3rdnlng, party of one.
  4. That’s all you one trick ponies do.
  5. Canada 10X better than America! Seriously, have you ever looked at your pres? ??? unbelievable that you would bring up the looks of another leader. Dumb, but you are American.
  6. Trump still proud?
  7. He will be doing HARD time. He might actually sentenced to hang out with all you losers and sex offenders at a TBD tailgate!
  8. I’m sure he’s done with the pic of your kid by now.
  9. Hey! You retards get a check from Mexico yet?
  10. Sup *****tards! Miss me? You all seem to be spending an awful lot of time responding to me. I win yet another bet! Lol ***** you all. I’m out!
  11. All Canadians as well. Laughing at the losers.
  12. Glad to see I am the focus of all you douche dicklickers! Thank you for doing what you all say you won’t do! ????????????????????????????? You love me! You really love me! You have given me the drive to carry on! It’s worth it! I love you all! Players are drafted in the NHL dorkstick! The NHL would suck if it had to rely on 2nd rate Americans.
  13. Love to bitchslap you dicklickers all day, but the RV is fired up and I’m heading to the game! See yah in a few days!
  14. I don’t like Trudeau, but he’s a good person. Your guy is scum of the earth!
  15. Once again, you clearly know nothing about Canada and continue to spew moronic stereotypes.
  16. You sound like Trump.
  17. Oh look! Another stereotype! Lol, I’m bad at this.....your entire cult using the exact same comebacks. Weak!
  18. You are a one trick pony! You must be able to do better than that? Are you in some kind of hospital? Is your helmet too tight? Ring the bell!
  19. Not sure but it’s probably lame like every one of the fake stereotypes you guys continue to use as responses, but go ahead.
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