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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. What a stupid comment. You have no idea what I look like. People call me BigMcD for a reason and it’s not because I am fat!
  2. Moose, but I did coat the cast iron pot with whale blubber first.
  3. Love to stay and mess with you losers, but making chilli on an open fire outside my igloo for the game! ***** I hope the fire doesn’t go through the ice! Check in with you tards later!
  4. Sorry, not my job.
  5. It’s ok if you don’t get it. You are dumb.
  6. Evidence? The evidence is there every time he speaks. If his lips are moving, he’s lying, but that’s apparently ok with you clowns!
  7. That’s crazy! Foxx is not even close to schmuck.
  8. Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was being pressed!
  9. Lol I actually feel sorry for you.
  10. You guys should get back to talking about stuff you know, like guns and killing each other! And maybe the fact that your leader is one of the biggest d-bags on the planet. Go Merica!
  11. Yes a majority compared to other countries. Does any other country have more players?
  12. Lol moron. Every team you mentioned had more Canadians than any other. Pens x 2 devils, Blackhawks and canes you ***** retard! Lol nice try!
  13. Complete bull####. Did you even look? You sound like trump and apparently think people can’t look up stats. WRONG! Lol DC Tammy says Canadian teams have 90% Canadian players and you say Canadian players prefer Merican teams. Lol you guys really are dumb. All of you!
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